Jamal Nabulsi is a diaspora Palestinian writer and researcher, living as a settler on Jagera and Turrbal land. He currently works at the University of Melbourne, while holding research grants from the Antipode Foundation, the Institute of Human Geography, and the European International Studies Association. He is a Founding Collective Member of the Institute for Collaborative Race Research and a Global Indigenous Member of the Centre for Global Indigenous Futures at Macquarie University. His academic work has received international awards such as the 2024 British International Studies Association Colonial, Postcolonial, and Decolonial Paper Prize.
From this author
The Israeli regime is currently committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, aiming to eliminate the Indigenous community through slaughter, starvation, and mass expulsion. While devastating, it is imperative to recognize that this practice is not new. Rather, it is part of Israel’s decades-long Zionist colonial project. In this commentary, guest author Jamal Nabulsi outlines three defining features of Zionist settler colonialism: its structural nature, strategy of elimination, and use of fragmentation. It is through these tactics, Nabulsi argues, that the Zionist project seeks to ultimately extinguish Palestinian Indigenous sovereignty.

Jamal Nabulsi· Feb 5, 2024