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A podcast series that brings together voices of Palestinian experts from around the world.

 Refugees, Politics
Ali, a humanitarian worker from Gaza now in Egypt, joins host Yara Hawari. He speaks on the experience of Palestinians from Gaza in Egypt as they maneuver the different legal, financial, and social hardships of their forced displacement.
· Jun 30, 2024
 Civil Society, Politics
Samer Alatout, Al-Shabaka policy analyst and professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, joins host Yara Hawari to speak about his experience at a student encampment, where he was assaulted and detained by police. Alatout also touches on the overall significance of the student uprising in the US against the genocide in Gaza.Support the Show.
Brendan Browne joins host Yara Hawari to explore the historical solidarity between the Irish and Palestinian peoples, and discuss how the Irish government's policy towards Palestine fails to reflect grassroots demands against the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

In the News

Insightful articles featuring Al-Shabaka policy members across media and press, offering expert perspectives on key issues.

Israel has a history of deploying this tactic to apply pressure on its opponents and act with impunity, experts say. Tariq Kenney-Shawa speaks to Aljazeera English
Al-Shabaka Tariq Kenney-Shawa
Tariq Kenney-Shawa· Jul 17, 2024
Israel’s actions across both Gaza and the West Bank seem to point to one conclusion—population expulsion and territorial expansion.
Al-Shabaka Yara Asi
Yara Asi· Jun 27, 2024
In this explainer, Jewish Currents interviewed regional experts to cut through the claims and counterclaims and examine why a ceasefire hasn’t been reached.
Press release
In times of profound devastation such as these, we take heart in knowing that our work is needed more than ever before. Al-Shabaka serves as a vital hub of Palestinian knowledge, analysis, and expertise for organizers, media, and policymakers alike. At our core, we are a think tank for the movement; our aim is to provide space for Palestinians to convene and strategize, and to produce Palestinian analysis that informs the frameworks of mobilizing efforts across the globe.
Press release
It is with great disappointment that we must clarify the facts pertaining to Al-Shabaka’s partnership with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) due to damaging misinformation circulated by the FDFA and its representatives.
Press release
We’ve entered 2024 at a time of unprecedented loss for the Palestinian people. As part of its genocide campaign since last October, the Israeli regime has murdered tens of thousands, displaced millions, and devastated every corner of Palestinian life in Gaza. The horror being waged across Gaza has left its mark on Palestinians worldwide, including those who make up Al-Shabaka’s policy network and staff. 

Public Events & Webinars

In this video, Security in Context's Anita Fuentes interviews Inès Abdel Razek, Co-Director of the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD) and its digital platform Rabet, about Gaza, Palestinian solidarity, and the quest for justice amid genocide from Israel.
Al-Shabaka Inès Abdel Razek
Inès Abdel Razek· Jul 13, 2024
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