Tensions rise as Israel’s most far-right government hardens policies towards Palestinians

The election of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister for a sixth term at the head of a radical cabinet has led to large protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and concerns about a third intifada.

Israel accused of trying to ‘topple’ the Palestinian Authority – as it bans public waving of Palestinian flag

Article - In East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah we see the essence of the Palestinian struggle

In recent days, Israel has withheld millions of dollars of Palestinian tax revenues and stripped Palestinian officials of VIP privileges. Now, the country’s firebrand security minister has banned public displays of the Palestinian flag

Israel bans Palestinian foreign minister from travelling over UN court move

Returning from Brazil, Riyad Maliki was told by Israel that he would no longer be allowed to leave the occupied territories


Benjamin Netanyahu lidera agora o governo mais extremista desde a fundação do Estado de Israel, em 1948. A extrema-direita atingiu um novo patamar na política israelita: os seus líderes vão ocupar cargos de enorme importância, como o da Segurança Nacional. Quais as consequências para os palestinianos e para a democracia israelita?

International courts won’t stop Israel’s occupation, but they can shift narratives

The UN voted for the International Court of Justice to weigh in on Israel’s occupation. What consequences would its opinion have?

For Palestinians, a Rush to Claim ‘Martyrs’ Killed by Israel

Article - The Palestinian Authority Is a Sinking Ship

In one of the deadliest years for Palestinians, a tradition of political and armed groups claiming Palestinian “martyrs” clouds the distinction between civilian and fighter.

Impunity and indifference: Attacks on Palestinians increase

Israel’s incoming government, elected six weeks ago, is shaping up as the most extreme in the country’s history – waging war on media workers, then trying to cover up its crimes.

Israel’s US backers face ‘moment of reckoning’ as far right rises

“The inclusion of far-right Jewish supremacists in Israel’s governing coalition will add to the ongoing narrative shift that is making it increasingly difficult for folks to continue to make excuses for Israel’s war crimes and human rights violations.”

Siege of Nablus: How Israel is applying the ‘Gaza model’ to the West Bank

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Analysis: Faced with the emergence of a new generation confronting the occupation, Israel is besieging Nablus to stifle resistance, fragment the West Bank, and collectively punish Palestinians.