Political Economy Of Development In Palestine: A Critical Perspective

Article - Political Economy Of Development In Palestine: A Critical Perspective

It is past time to adopt a political economy approach that matters, and to dismiss other well-trodden approaches that harm.

The colonial idea that built the Palestinian Authority

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Israel tried for years to create a body that would control Palestinians on its behalf. It was the liberation movement’s leaders that helped it succeed.

PA security forces are not serving the Palestinian people

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

As their violence regularly demonstrates, Palestinian Authority security forces are nothing but subcontractors of the Israeli regime.

There is no good reason why Israel should not be under sanctions

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

Sanctions are used to respond to violations of international law. Israel has violated it many times, so why is it not sanctioned yet?

Nizar Banat killing: The world must stop enabling PA crimes

International actors have invested billions in the Palestinian security sector, while it has utterly failed to protect the Palestinian people

After the nightmare of the Gaza massacre, what comes next?

Article - After the nightmare of the Gaza massacre, what comes next?

The bombing was the worst I’ve experienced, but it can’t contain the Palestinian uprising that is showing the world the true face of Israel

I am Palestinian. Here’s how Israel silences us on social media

Article - I am Palestinian. Here’s how Israel silences us on social media

The blackout Palestinians are facing is not about suppressing our voices as individuals. It is about erasing us in toto.

Why Israel is so desperate to silence #SaveSheikhJarrah

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

The grassroots campaign united Palestinians in resistance and turned the world’s attention to Israel’s occupation.

Palestine-Israel: Understanding the Lessons From Recent Escalations

Article - Will Upcoming Elections Bring Any Change to the Palestinian People?

This new generation is determined to address the causes of Palestinian fragmentation, and to unify both the political will and the means of struggle in the face of Israeli settler colonialism and Apartheid.