It’s a mistake to believe that Biden will be a friend of Palestine

President Biden, then, may offer Palestinians a brief respite from the onslaught of the Trump years, but it is a mistake to believe that he will be a friend of Palestine.

How an Israeli smear campaign is ripping away funds from Palestinian farmers

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Israel lobby groups are targeting the funding sources of a major Palestinian agricultural union — by dubiously claiming it has ties to ‘terrorists.’ Other Palestinian organizations are facing the same attacks.

Netanyahu courts Arab voters in election-year turnabout

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has spent much of his long career casting Israel’s Arab minority as a potential fifth column led by terrorist sympathizers, is now openly courting their support as he seeks reelection in the country’s fourth vote in less than two years.

Measuring a response

Amid the coronavirus contagion, Israel’s strategy to confront the pandemic leaves out a large segment of beneficiaries: the Palestinian people, reports Lamis El-Sharqawy

The COVID-19 vaccine: another ugly face of Israeli Apartheid

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel
The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine perfectly illustrates Israel’s apartheid system.

A Covid Christmas in Palestine

Article - The Fight Against Vaccine Apartheid Goes Global

Palestinians have been living under lockdown and curfew for decades. The coronavirus has only added to their troubles.

Jerusalem municipality sparks controversy by renaming Damascus Gate steps

Critics denounce the move to name the area after two slain Israeli soldiers as an attempt to further erase Palestinian identity of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.

The Middle East is leaving Palestinians behind. Will it be different with Biden?

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With no strategy to counter Arab states’ alignment with Israel, it is unclear how much a change in the White House will benefit Palestinians.

Discord Around the Abraham Accords

Article - Will Upcoming Elections Bring Any Change to the Palestinian People?

Alliances have been shifting since Israel started signing a number of so-called peace accords with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain this summer. Hailed as beacons of peace by the US, who brokered these meetings, the Abraham Accords bypass an important actor in the equation of peace in the Middle East: Palestine. In order to understand the […]