Searching for a Strategy

To many Palestinians, the UAE and Bahrain normalization agreements have revealed with stark clarity the extent to which they have been abandoned by the international community, and in particular the Arab states once counted as allies.

Bielorussia: resistere e denunciare attraverso il Teatro

In Bielorussia le proteste contro il presidente Alexander Lukashenko, al potere dal 1994, vanno avanti da oltre un mese, senza perdere vigore. Abbiamo intervistato Natalia Kaliada, co-fondatrice e direttrice artistica del Belarus Free Theater, che ci ha raccontato la sua storia di repressione e resistenza artistica.Dopo l’annuncio dell’Accordo di Abramo da parte del presidente Trump, […]

La cause palestinienne poignardée

Trump Hosts Abraham Accords Signing Between Israel, UAE and Bahrain

WASHINGTON – U.S. President Donald Trump hosted a signing ceremony Tuesday at the White House for the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab states of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.“These visionary leaders will sign the first two peace deals between Israel and the Arab state in more than a quarter century,” Trump […]

Where does Trump’s Arab-Israeli deal leave the Palestinians?

What is behind Bahrain’s normalisation deal with Israel?

Bahrain moves to please the US, deter perceived regional threats by following in the UAE’s footsteps, analysts say.

Trump: Bahrain to Recognize Israel

Arab League division over Palestinian cause to dominate talks

How the Abraham Accord Might Impact the Middle East