The Case for Palestinian Nationality

المقال - قضية الجنسية الفلسطينية

Exiled Palestinians’ right to Palestinian nationality is protected under international law, irrespective of racist Israeli apartheid policies. How can Palestinians and their leadership in the diaspora activate this right through different legal and political channels? Al-Shabaka’s Commissioning Editor 24503 offers recommendations for how to secure exiled Palestinians their rights to and in Palestine, from wherever they may be.

The Prison Intifada: Supporting Palestinian Administrative Detainees

Article - The Prison Intifada: Supporting Palestinian Administrative Detainees

Administrative detention is central to the Israeli regime’s attempts to suppress Palestinian mobilization. Al-Shabaka policy analyst Basil Farraj shows how Palestinian administrative detainees have continuously resisted this policy and demanded an end to its widespread and arbitrary use. He offers recommendations to Palestinian civil society organizations, national stakeholders, and solidarity groups for how to support the ongoing Palestinian prison intifada.

Palestinian Bedouins in the E-1 Corridor: A Critique of Donor Aid

مقال - البدو الفلسطينيون في المحور E-1: نقد مساعدات المانحين

Donor aid has failed to protect Palestinian Bedouin communities in the E-1 corridor from the Israeli regime’s oppressive policies. Al-Shabaka policy analyst 24571 and guest author 24524 show how aid programs in E-1 actually entrench Israeli apartheid. They offer recommendations to donor states, Palestinian civil society organizations, and national stakeholders for how to secure the rights of these communities.

Criminalizing Palestine Solidarity Activism in the UK

مقال - تجريم النشاط التضامني مع فلسطين في المملكة المتحدة

A new wave of repressive UK government policies aims to suppress protest and political expression, posing a direct threat to Palestine solidarity work. Al-Shabaka’s senior policy analyst, 24588, locates this latest crackdown within Britain’s enduring support for Zionism, and shows how only in broad, intersectional alliances can social justice activists effectively repel state-led repression.

Reimagining Liberation through the Popular Committees

مقال - إعادة تصور التحرر من خلال اللجان الشعبية

Palestinians are experiencing unprecedented global solidarity since the 2021 Unity Intifada, yet their struggle for liberation remains trapped by the post-Oslo framework. Al-Shabaka’s policy analyst, 24460, explores the rich history of the popular committees of the 1970s and 1980s to offer recommendations for how Palestinians can reorient their communities and institutions to facilitate the emergence of grassroots, liberationist mobilization.

ICT in Palestine: Challenging Power Dynamics and Limitations

مقال - تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في فلسطين: تحدي ديناميكيات القوة والقيود

For the past two decades, the Palestinian Authority has been collaborating with expatriate Palestinian capitalists, who operate in tandem with the Israeli state, to ramp up ICT development in Palestine. Yet the sector continues to suffer. Al-Shabaka’s guest contributor, 24399, examines these power dynamics and offers recommendations for what the PA should do to enhance Palestinians’ economic lives.

A Vision for Liberation: Palestinian-led Development in Health and Education

مقال - رؤية للتحرر: تنمية بقيادة فلسطينية في مجالي الصحة والتعليم

The Palestinian health and education sectors have been neglected by Palestinian authorities and the donor community. How can Palestinians collectively develop these sectors with a vision for liberation? Al-Shabaka’s US policy fellow, Yara Asi, examines this question and offers recommendations based on interviews she conducted with Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, behind the Green Line, and in the diaspora.

Community Accountability in Palestine: An Alternative to Policing

Article - Community Accountability in Palestine: An Alternative to Policing

Israeli and Palestinian policing and incarceration have devastated Palestinian society. How can Palestinian civil society adopt community accountability and transformative justice processes that move away from state institutions and punitive justice? Al-Shabaka’s senior analyst, 24588, explores this question and offers recommendations to Palestinian civil society and the international donor community for bringing about and supporting these crucial changes.

Thirty Years On: The Ruse of the Middle East Peace Process

The so-called Middle East Peace Process has ensured Palestinians’ oppression by a military regime bent on settler-colonial expansion. How has the bilateral negotiations framework consolidated Israel’s hegemony over the Palestinians, and how has Israel maintained it? Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Inès Abdel Razek, explores these questions and more, and offers recommendations to the international community for supporting Palestinian liberation.