Why Palestinians Need to Reclaim the PLO

The Palestinian Authority has failed to deliver democracy or sovereignty to the Palestinian people. It’s time for a new generation of leaders to deliver accountable governance and freedom.

Israel Can’t Hide Evidence of Its Occupation Anymore

For more than 20 years, an obscure U.S. law concealed satellite imagery of Israel’s activities in the occupied territories. Because of an abrupt reversal, satellite technology can now be used to defend Palestinians’ human rights.

COVID-19 in the West Bank and Gaza: A second wave under military occupation and siege

Article - COVID-19 in the West Bank and Gaza: A second wave under military occupation and siege

As of July 29, more than 16.5 million cases of COVID-19 have been recorded worldwide, along with approximately 655,000 deaths. After many months of lockdown, countries are being forced to open up despite fears that a second wave is on the horizon and in many places is already underway. In the Palestinian West Bank, a brutal second […]

European countries need to recognise the Palestinian state before it’s too late

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

It won’t halt Israel’s annexation plans, but it would be a vital step in the right direction at a perilous moment.

If Israel’s planned annexation goes ahead, can any response make a difference?

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Despite the delay in Israel’s planned annexation of as much as 30 per cent of the West Bank, the prospect of the further erosion of their rights and territories often feels to Palestinians like a side-note when compared to the horrors and hardships they face every day.

The Galilee First, if the world is serious about Israel and Palestine

If Israel is bent on discriminating against one-fifth of its citizens, what should we expect of it in the occupied territory?

Palestine and COVID-19: Global Standards, Local Constraints

Article - Palestine and COVID-19: Global Standards, Local Constraints

Although the Palestinian authorities followed a set of global standards and procedures to tackle the pandemic, they had to manoeuvre within severe constraints: weak health infrastructure, a fragile financial situation for the Palestinian Authority (PA), and the political ramifications of the Israeli military occupation – particularly the imminent threat of annexation of major parts of the West Bank. The COVID-19 response yielded a strengthening in the perceived legitimacy and popularity of the Palestinian government, but this is very likely to be short-lived.

Annexation as a Symptom of Israeli Apartheid

One hundred years ago, on July 1, 1920, the British army established a civil administration in Palestine. Over the course of the next 25 years, the British Mandate for Palestine would set the stage for a process of colonization that has continued until today.

Israeli annexation and a history of broken American promises

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Last February, a joint US-Israeli committee began working to implement President Donald Trump’s “Vision for Peace.” The committee included the US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and his Israeli counterpart, Ron Dermer. Among its tasks was to delineate lands in the occupied West Bank for annexation by Israel. The committee’s work and membership demonstrated the deep partnership […]