Poor Governance, Conflict Worsen Climate Crisis in Middle East

The Arab Center Washington DC held a July 8 webinar titled “Climate Change, Conflict and Water Politics in the Arab World.” Panelists agreed that climate change poses an existential threat to the Middle East, but also noted that ongoing conflicts and poor governance play a profound role in the region’s environmental crises.

Global Conflict Mediation Proves Elusive for Trump

Raising Palestinian Voices

Why does Israel want to annex the West Bank?

Israel has occupied the West Bank for decades. But now Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to take over completely through annexation.

Fin de la coopération entre l’Autorité palestinienne et Israël : sur le terrain, les conséquences se font déjà sentir

Alors qu’Israël pourrait reporter son projet d’annexion pour cause de coronavirus, la fin de la coopération annoncée le 19 mai par Mahmoud Abbas a déjà des répercussions – parfois tragiques – pour la population palestinienne

EAMENA leads reform on satellite imagery restrictions in the Levant

On 25 June 2020 it was announced at the 27th meeting of the Advisory Council on Commercial Remote Sensing (ACCRES) of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment (KBA) restrictions on the optical resolution of satellite imagery over Israel would be dramatically lowered from the current level of 2m Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) down to 0.4m GSD.

How Europe could rethink its economic ties with Israel

World Bank logo

Israel has ignored EU criticisms of West Bank annexation while enjoying funds for science and technology. It will not halt its plans if relations are unchanged.

Does the militarisation of US police encourage excessive force?

Groups say ‘equipping police in manner more appropriate for battle may put them in mindset conflict is inevitable’.

What COVID-19 Looks Like in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

For Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, COVID-19 is threatening an already strained health care system.