How should Palestinians respond to Israeli threats of annexation?

The international community and its weak condemnations will not help Palestinians. It is time for a new strategy.

US sanctions: collective punishment in the time of COVID-19

The coronavirus outbreak exposes the fundamental inhumanity of US foreign policy in the Middle East.

Clamping down on refugees will not save Lebanon from the pandemic

Palestinian and Syrian refugees need adequate testing and healthcare, not more restrictions on their movement.

Pandemic lays bare Israel’s systemic racism

Article - Pandemic lays bare Israel’s systemic racism

My fear is that once this coronavirus threat passes, some measures will also be normalized this time: from racism in health care, to holding Palestinians and their health care system hostage, to surveillance, to home demolitions and blockades – all in the name of “public security.”

COVID-19 and Apartheid

While the coronavirus has disrupted peoples’ lives in almost every part of the globe, restricting freedom of movement and the right to family life, Palestinians have been living for decades with uncertainty and arbitrariness imposed by Israel’s settler-colonial enterprise and apartheid regime, controlling their every move and the most basic aspects of their lives.

Remembering Palestinian Land Day under lockdown

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees
Palestinians are marking Land Day under lockdown this year to commemorate their historic dispossession, as Israel continues to annex land despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

Celebrating Land Day amid lockdown in Palestine

Israel is taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to take more Palestinian land, but the Palestinians will resist.

What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees
Palestinian refugees are among some of the most vulnerable in the Middle East to the coronavirus pandemic, writes Yara Hawari.

Under siege, medical advice will do little to fight coronavirus in Gaza

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Instructions like hand-washing, wearing masks, and consulting doctors online are a dark joke when Israel is trying to send Gaza ‘back to the Stone Age.’