Coronavirus outbreak in the time of apartheid

As the world calls for solidarity, Palestinians expect none from their occupiers.

Christian Zionist archaeology: A tool of Palestinian subjugation

Archaeological projects in Palestine led by US evangelical Christians contribute to Palestinian dispossession.

Israel’s propaganda war waged through TV shows

Netflix’s The Messiah is the latest popular TV show supporting Israel in its propaganda war against the Palestinians.

How the U.S. made Palestine the exception to the rules of peacemaking

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Israel has only ever offered Palestinians two things over the past century — submission or devastation — and the Americans have always backed them.

ICC and Palestine Symposium: The (Non) Effects of Oslo on Rights and Status

Article - ICC and Palestine Symposium: The (Non) Effects of Oslo on Rights and Status

The highly-dubious legal basis of the Oslo Process and resulting Agreements have been widely misunderstood and frequently misrepresented, both in relation to content, and even more so in relation to their functioning.

The Palestinian Authority Is a Sinking Ship

Article - The Palestinian Authority Is a Sinking Ship

Palestinians have remained glaringly absent throughout the grand unveiling of President Trump’s “deal of the century.”

Trump’s Middle East plan may have a silver lining

Trump’s plan will not make the Palestinians’ lives better, but it could help dismantle the disastrous Oslo order.

Trump’s ‘peace’ deal flagrantly tramples on Palestinian rights and freedoms

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

This plan is simply a continuation of US-Israel policy. Palestinians have heard it all before and won’t accept it.

With international law under siege, can the ICC bring justice to Palestinians?

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

As the ICC prosecutor’s investigation awaits a green light, Palestinian experts reflect on what the legal battle portends for their struggle.