Wadi Hummus: Another Israeli celebration of ethnic cleansing

The demolitions are part of a grand and continuous plan to rid Jerusalem of its indigenous Palestinian inhabitants.

‘Peace to Prosperity Circus’: Sam Bahour says Bahrain conference was a ‘waste of time and money’

Mondoweiss speaks with Bahour, a vocal critic of the US “Deal of the Century”, about last month’s “Peace to Prosperity” conference in Bahrain, what he thought of the conference, its implications, and his predictions for the future of American-led peace negotiations.

Don’t wait for Israeli archives to prove what Palestinians already know

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Israeli authorities are deliberately concealing historical documents to undermine evidence of the state’s dark and violent origins. And the world is still falling for it.

Israel’s Problematic Role in Perpetuating Water Insecurity for Palestine

Article - Israel’s Problematic Role in Perpetuating Water Insecurity for Palestine

Climate change poses an existential and global threat to humanity. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is expected to be impacted more than any other area.

Money can’t ‘fix’ Palestine’s occupied economy

Whatever the Bahrain workshop proposes is doomed to failure. Here is why.

An Open Letter To My Fellow American, Civil Servant Jared Kushner

Article - An Open Letter To My Fellow American, Civil Servant Jared Kushner

“Dear Jared, You are wasting time and taxpayers’ dollars trying to whitewash 52 years of Israeli military occupation.”

Palestinians have every right to reject another Oslo

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

With the Bahrain workshop, the Trump administration is relying on the same old Oslo model of economy before politics. What needs to be done is to hold Israel accountable.

Bahrain Workshop: Business Over Politics

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While a number of recent American maneuvers indicate the adoption of a new approach to resolve the political deadlock, the use of economic means as a way to transition to political peace is neither new nor likely to succeed.

How Much Longer Do We Palestinians Have To Put Up With These Clowns?

Article - American Jews Are Teaching Americans To Oppose The Occupation

The Palestinian business community has never been as united as it is in opposition to the Trump team’s attempt to beautify the cages Israel has turned our cities into.