Has Israel already annexed the West Bank?

“In reality, there is one regime which controls everything from the river to the sea, and that’s the Israeli regime.”

‘If you’re for justice for Palestinians, you’re for climate justice’: Zena Agha on climate change and the future of Palestine

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

Climate change is among the greatest threats facing humanity. Its effects are global, wide-ranging, and distributed in a highly unequal manner. Although Palestinians and Israelis inhabit the same physical terrain, Palestinians under occupation will suffer the effects of climate change more severely.

Unanswered questions after Netanyahu’s re-election

Article - Is the Palestinian movement Fatah losing its soul?

Just after Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was re-elected, experts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict met to determine what the vote means.

Israel shoots four Palestinians during protests calling for end to siege of Gaza

Article - Israel shoots four Palestinians during protests calling for end to siege of Gaza

On March 30, tens of thousands of Palestinians gathered in Gaza along the boundary fence with Israel on Saturday to mark the first anniversary of the Great March of Return. They were also marking Land Day, the annual commemoration of Israel’s lethal suppression of protests against land confiscations in the Galilee in 1976.

Why Palestinians believe Israel is shifting the status quo in Jerusalem

Article - UN agency for Palestinian refugees faces largest 'structural crisis' in its 70-year history

US support for Israel and the extreme-right government’s settlement building will have long-term consequences for the city

Trump’s Golan Heights Declaration a Boon to Netanyahu

Article - Israeli Prime Minister Cuts Short White House Visit

President Donald Trump met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House Monday, and signed a proclamation to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Israeli Prime Minister Cuts Short White House Visit

Article - Israeli Prime Minister Cuts Short White House Visit

Trump’s order on the Golan Heights is very clearly an attempt to make sure that that Netanyahu gets elected at all costs and that without Netanyahu, the U.S. -Israel alliances wouldn’t be the same.

Palestinians have no influence over elections that could decide their fate

Article - Palestinians have no influence over elections that could decide their fate

Less than one in four Palestinians have the right to vote in Israeli elections, but the election will inevitably affect every single Palestinian.

EU-Arab League summit in Egypt is ‘insignificant, ceremonial’

The meeting of leaders from the EU and the Arab League in Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh will likely be fruitless, experts say.