Israel’s annexation drive requires fighting for justice in one state

Palestinians are in a position of historic vulnerability as we approach a potentially monumental period of negotiations

The future of Palestine: Youth views on the two-state paradigm

A quarter of a century on from the Oslo Peace Accords, young Palestinian writers share their views on the future of the two-state solution

Netanyahu’s plan is for Palestinians to accept their brutal defeat

The endgame is to wear away hope until nothing but acceptance of Israel’s total and complete victory feels possible

Palestinians need a state, not a ‘business plan’

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Jared Kushner believes the first stage to peace is investing capital in Gaza and the West Bank. But just how far can that investment go when Israel is determined to maintain full control of and exploit every aspect of the Palestinian economy?

Why Palestinians must rethink their governance

A collective leadership model, away from the failed structures of the PA and PLO, could put Palestinians on the path towards self-determination.

Israel Must Choose: Give The Palestinians A State – Or Equality.

Article - American Jews Are Teaching Americans To Oppose The Occupation

Suppose President Trump’s long-awaited “deal of the century” turns out to be the “flop of the century.” After the initial hype, where would its eventual failure leave us?

Advocating for Palestine in the Policy World

The Palestinian people, their fundamental rights, and their aspirations for sovereignty are facing a historic moment of vulnerability.

American Jews Are Teaching Americans To Oppose The Occupation

Article - American Jews Are Teaching Americans To Oppose The Occupation

A seismic shift is happening in America as more and more call out Israel for its continued oppression of Palestinians.

Palestinians should boycott the Israeli elections

It has never been timelier for Palestinian citizens to demand that their political leadership reject the structure that has oppressed them for more than 70 years.