No one will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords

Article - No one will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords

“It’s not that the PA has turned into a monster, I think it was born a monster,” Yara Hawari, a young activist and a policy fellow at the Palestinian think tank Al-Shabaka, told The Intercept this summer. “I don’t think it was ever going to be anything else just because of the way that it was set up: What it was supposed to do was maintain and manage the situation and assist it.”

25 Years Later, Oslo’s Promise for Mideast Peace Is Unfulfilled

Article - The Palestinian Authority Is a Sinking Ship

“What Oslo created,” said Mr. Tartir of Al-Shabaka, “was a clear benefit for some Palestinians and the political elite. Everyone else has to live with the consequences, but doesn’t really have a say.”

UN agency for Palestinian refugees faces largest ‘structural crisis’ in its 70-year history

Article - UN agency for Palestinian refugees faces largest 'structural crisis' in its 70-year history

“Global powers and international governance institutions must stop instrumentalising the UNRWA through its humanitarian intervention to cover up for their political failures. Humanitarianism has its inherent limits, and it risks, despite all the good intentions, sustaining the status quo of refugees,” Alaa Tartir tells The National.

What’s Going on with Settlement Building in the Jordan Valley?

Article - Palestinians banned from working in illegal Israeli settlements

The news coverage of settlement building in the Jordan Valley comes in fragments. But an eye on the bigger picture is critical, and this is more important as the ominous American-led “deal of the century” develops.

Trump’s UNRWA Funding Cuts Part of a New Formula to Erase Most Palestinians

Article - Trump’s UNRWA Funding Cuts Part of a New Formula to Erase Most Palestinians

It is puzzling that the state of Israel claims its own legitimacy derives from the right of Jewish people to “return” to their biblical homeland after 2,000 years of exile — but demands that Palestinian refugees drop their claim to return after 70 years and forget their homeland.

Trump aid cuts embolden Israel but hurt peace prospects: analysts

Article - Trump aid cuts embolden Israel but hurt peace prospects: analysts

US President Donald Trump’s swingeing cuts to aid for Palestinians will advance Israel’s interests but risk compromising a US-led peace push and raise tensions in the Middle East, analysts and diplomats said Saturday.

Dareen Tatour sentenced to five months in prison over poem

“The case of Dareen Tatour captures what it means to be Palestinian under the Israeli settler colonial regime – especially the limits on freedom of speech and expression.”

The Nation-State Law

Article - The Nation-State Law

On July 19, the Israeli Knesset passed the “Nation-State Bill” in a 62-55 vote. Many critics of the bill say that it undermines Israel’s historic claim to be both Jewish and democratic in character. But does this new law actually change anything, or only make explicit the way things have been for decades?

Israel’s New Nation-State Law Enshrines Apartheid

Article - Israel’s New Nation-State Law Enshrines Apartheid

The formal embrace of ethnic cleansing strengthens Israel’s right wing–and portends an escalation of violence against Palestinians.