What Now For the Palestinians?

Article - What Now For the Palestinians?

Donald Trump’s announcement that he’s formally recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and setting in motion a plan to move the US embassy there has been condemned by many world leaders. So where does it leave the Palestinians?

Only grassroots activism and global solidarity can bring justice to Palestine

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

Less than a week after Trump’s announcement, predictions that it will inevitably lead to greater violence appear to be coming true as Israel clamps down on protesters taking to the streets.

Palestinians fear violence after Trump’s Jerusalem embassy move

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Palestinians fear the consequences of a speech in which US President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel and started the process of moving its embassy there from Tel Aviv – as he pledged during his election campaign.

100 years on, Balfour Declaration still divides

Article - Palestinian 'wave of anger' fades without direction

At almost every public appearance over the past week, Palestinian politicians have reiterated their demand that Britain apologize for the 1917 Balfour Declaration — a document that laid the groundwork for Israel’s creation — while Israelis have prepared to celebrate the declaration’s centennial.

Hamas hands over Gaza border crossings to PA

As agreed in the reconciliation talks, Hamas transfers administrative control on Gaza’s border crossings to the PA.

Prerequisites for Peace in Palestine/Israel

In this e-book we ask whether to try and curb this descent into chaos the time has come for policy makers to start dealing with the moderate Islamist opposition, rather than wait till later when there is no one left but the extremists – or alternatively, whether dealing with moderate Islamist groups now risks just switching the Arab Shahs we have now to Arab Khomeinis in the future.

Historic Australian-Israeli links commemorated during Turnbull’s Middle East trip

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Al-Shabaka analyst Samah Sabawi speaks to ABC’s Lateline about Australia’s close ties to Israel.

Will Hamas give up arms for Palestinian reconciliation?

As Fatah and Hamas, the two main Palestinian factions, strive to achieve national reconciliation, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has issued a demand that may throw a wrench into the negotiations. 

Palestinian unity government remains unlikely

Article - Is the Palestinian movement Fatah losing its soul?

Substantial lasting and positive developments can be only realised through an inclusive and participatory political process.

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