Palestinians on strike in solidarity with prisoners

Israeli forces shoot and wound 11 Palestinians in West Bank, as prisoners’ mass hunger strike enters sixth week.

Israel jails writer Ahmad Qatamesh without charges

Qatamesh is one of an estimated 500 Palestinians jailed by Israel without charges or trial.

Palestinian Economy Continues to be Highly Dependent Because of Israeli Occupation

Al-Shabaka Program Director Alaa Tartir explains that the Palestinian Economy is unable to grow or develop because the Israeli occupation controls all aspects:

Al-Wafaa Islamic Bloc wins Birzeit University elections

Student election at university in the occupied West Bank seen as indicator of Palestinian political mood.

100 days in: Is the Middle East Trump’s new playground?

One hundred days into office, analysts say Trump’s Middle East policies remain largely unclear and arbitrary.

Would Russia recognise West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?

Article - Is the Palestinian movement Fatah losing its soul?

The Palestinian-Is­raeli conflict is “being instrumen­talised by the Russians for border political games,” Al-Shabaka program director Alaa Tartir tells The Arab Weekly.

Arab Summit: ‘Arabs lost confidence in their leaders’

The summit will do little to end the conflicts in the region, analysts say.

Head of UN agency resigns over report that accuses Israel of imposing ‘apartheid regime’

The head of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) has reportedly resigned over the publication of a report by the UN agency that concluded that Israel was guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt” of imposing apartheid policies against Palestinians, and urged the international community to abide by its “legal obligation” to punish such discriminatory measures.

UN report: Israel has established an ‘apartheid regime’

Report breaks new ground on the UN’s examination of the situation in occupied Palestine by using the word ‘apartheid’.