A symbolic resolution against Israeli settlements

Observers are divided on whether the recent UNSC resolution will lead to any substantive change.

Facing pressure from the right, Netanyahu supports ‘racist’ muezzin bill to appease settler base

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Heads for 50 Years of UN Failure

Come 2017, the United Nations will mark the 50th anniversary of one of the world’s longstanding unresolved political problems firmly entrenched on the UN agenda: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict dating back to the Six Day War in June 1967.

Landmark Fatah congress becomes political battlefield

Article - Palestinian 'wave of anger' fades without direction

Mahmoud Abbas is likely to emerge from congress stronger, but divisions in ruling Fatah party have grown, experts say

Fatah holds congress amid Abbas’ succession speculation

Analysts say the meeting is unlikely to deliver the new strategies needed to unite Palestinians and challenge Israel.

Is the Palestinian movement Fatah losing its soul?

Article - Is the Palestinian movement Fatah losing its soul?

New central leadership com­mittee will be elected during gathering, which is expected to pave way towards agreeing on successor to Abbas.

How will US election affect Middle East policy?

Incoming president will inherit Obama’s legacy of “perpetual warfare” in the region, analysts note.

Palestinians aren’t counting on Trump or Hillary for their liberation

Americans will still have a long way to go before they can decide what their country represents. Once they do, Palestinians can begin to care again about what happens in Washington.

PA has created ‘atmosphere of hysteria’, activists say

A recent poll finds majority of Palestinian youth favour PA survival but analysts say this doesn’t reflect reality.