Gaza: Israel’s war drums are getting louder

Israel is entertaining another round of fighting on the besieged strip.

UN report confirms that Israel is guilty of apartheid, and endorses BDS

On Wednesday afternoon, a ground breaking UN report from the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) found the State of Israel guilty of the crime of apartheid.

How to hold Israel accountable for the crime of apartheid

A new UN report concludes that Israel is guilty of policies that constitute apartheid and, therefore, crimes against humanity. Now it’s time to act.

Im Westen nichts Neues

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Wenn Europa eine Politik von zwei Staaten für zwei Völker durchsetzen will, muss es eine von den USA unabhängige Linie verfolgen. Bislang ist der politische Einfluss Europas im Kielwasser der USA jedoch kaum wahrnehmbar. Von Sam Bahour und Mousa Jiryis

Palestinians must hang on to the green line, whether the aim is two states or one

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

The 1949 armistice border underpins the international community’s refusal to legalise Israel’s occupation. We must hold any changes to it accountable

Expect nothing from Trump

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While the US continues to turn a blind eye to settlement expansion, the international community and the EU in particular are left with the responsibility of ensuring that everyday life in the Palestinian enclaves does not collapse. Time for a rethink, argue policy analysts Sam Bahour and Mousa Jiryis.

How Palestinians should respond to Trump’s ‘one state’

Palestinians must make clear that the sole prerequisite that is needed for a lasting peace is justice on their lands.

Trump stand on settlement encourages Israel’s land grab

With Trump in office, Israel is encouraged to speed up its colonisation of the Palestinian territories.

The seeds of a new special relationship: US voices for justice in Palestine

While the ideological compatibility between Trump and Netanyahu will improve ties between the two leaders, it will have long-standing implications on US approaches to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.