Gaza Without Pretenses

Article - What Apartheid Means for Israel

For years Israel and Hamas maintained an unstable equilibrium that kept the Gaza Strip contained. But it was always likely to be temporary.

Where the Palestinian Political Project Goes from Here

Article - Where the Palestinian Political Project Goes from Here

For decades, Hamas and Israel have maintained a violent equilibrium. How will the war change that paradigm?

Israel-Palestine war: This humiliation has shaken the Israeli psyche to its core

The military is a source of Israeli national pride, perceived as an unassailable force that guarantees the sustainability of the Zionist settler-colonial project. No longer

Palestinians are showing that they will not be erased

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

Palestinians have reminded the world of their existence, and determination to resist colonial oppression, in the only way that works.

‘Get out of there now’

Article - 'Get out of there now’

Invoking decolonisation shouldn’t entail a zero-sum position that refuses to sympathise with what happened to Israeli families on 7 October, but neither should the killings be an excuse to consolidate Israel’s apartheid regime and abet its wrath.

When it comes to human rights, the US is guilty of blatant hypocrisy

The US has punished Chinese companies for Uighur oppression, but ignores an Israeli surveillance state that routinely intimidates Palestinians

How Israel’s war on Palestinian prisoners could create more grounds for instability

Ben Gvir has taken increasingly punitive measures against inmates, subjecting them to degrading and inhumane treatment

Oslo accords: Thirty years of peace distortion

For three decades and counting, the Oslo accords have provided nothing more than a false ‘framework of peace’ that sustains settler colonialism and apartheid

For Generation Oslo, ‘peace’ is an empty promise

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

The Oslo Accords have become a defining moment in the lives of many Palestinians, entrenching Israel’s occupation and co-opting their leadership. Thirty years on, Yara Hawari reflects on the collective anger and hope of a people.