The Middle East Quartet: A dishonest broker in denial of the facts

The Quartet needs to talk to Hamas. Instead the pro-Israel bias in its latest report could give Israel the excuse it needs to attack Gaza again.

The Quartet Has Failed Palestine

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So terrified is the global body of condemning Israel that it no longer sees fit to blame the regime for its continued military rule.

How Well Off Is Israel?

Is Israel richer, stronger, and more secure today than at any other point in its history?

L’étau se resserre: la Jordanie aggrave les souffrances des Palestiniens de Gaza

La Jordanie a intensifié les restrictions de voyage pour les Palestiniens de Gaza, qui subissent déjà le blocus israélien et égyptien


Quel espoir attendre de l’initiative de paix française au Moyen Orient?

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Et pourtant, la France ignore la leçon dont beaucoup pensaient qu’on tiendrait compte après l’échec de Kerry : sans réforme significative, le processus de paix qui a prévalu pendant vingt ans de diplomatie sur Israël-Palestine est voué à l’échec.

Any Hope for French ME Peace Initiative?

Article - Any Hope for French ME Peace Initiative?

France hosted the preliminary session of an international peace conference on Israel-Palestine on June 3. That marked the first serious effort to reinitiate the peace process after the failure of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s initiative in early 2014.

Holding Israel accountable is the only way forward

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Palestinians will not subscribe to the insanity of negotiations any longer and will not attempt to view Israel’s assault against them as involving two equal parties.


Continuous catastrophe, yet still we seek accountability

Commemorating the Nakba and protecting refugee camps are entwined and equally critical endeavors: without historical accountability, without identifying perpetrators and victims, there is no redemption.


Israel cannot have its cake and eat it too

Article - Israel cannot have its cake and eat it too

The Israeli-Palestinian peace process needs a fresh approach and the talks that commenced this week in Paris between foreign ministers of some two dozen countries, including US Secretary of State John Kerry, need to take that fact on board.