The Palestinian Intifada: Six months, six observations

The last six months illustrated clearly once again the problematic role of the Palestinian Authority as a sub-contractor to the Israeli occupation, Al-Shabaka’s Alaa Tartir writes. 


Social Struggle and the Crisis of the Palestinian Left Parties

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The long-standing crisis of thePalestinian left has not only left the post-Oslo repressive socioeconomic dynamic unchallenged,but also, more perilously, Palestinian left parties – consciously or unconsciously – became hostage,if not acquiescent to this status quo.

Israel’s Left doesn’t believe in lasting peace

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Just as Palestinians refuse to accept Israeli military occupation, Palestinians will refuse to bow 
to Israeli diktats disguised as ‘peace plans’, Al-Shabaka’s Diana Buttu writes.

Al Qiq’s demand was simple: provide a fair trial or release me

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“We Palestinians have learned that we cannot expect relief from the court of our oppressors,” policy advisor Diana Buttu writes. 


Senators miss the mark on Israel settlement labeling

In a move that caused a stir among U.S. lawmakers and some lobby groups, the US Customs and Border Protection agency recently issued a reminder that goods produced in Israeli settlements in the West Bank or Gaza Strip should not be labeled “Made in Israel.” In rapid retaliation, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) proposed a bill to reverse the 20-year-established labeling regulation, calling it “nonsensical” and “invidious.”

Beyond labeling: How Europe can save the two-state solution

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Europe needs to do more, and soon, if it still believes in the two-state solution. It needs to first face reality and, second, to act on that recognition vis-à-vis Israel itself.

Palestine 2016: An Optimistic Outlook

Will Palestine look any better in 2016? Are there any sources of optimism and hope amid these bleak facts and the current events unfolding? Yes, I argue, despite all the odds.

No unilateral Israeli path to two states

Article - No unilateral Israeli path to two states

The composition and track record of the current Israeli government leads Palestinians to expect very little from Israel in the way of advancing peace, Policy Advisor Sam Bahour argues. 

Israel ‘feeling heat’ over settlement businesses

Article - Israel 'feeling heat' over settlement businesses

The consequences of Israeli occupation and anti-Palestinian discrimination for Israel’s economy are now coming faster than ever. Like so many previous military occupations, Israel is starting to feel the heat of the international community.