Salam Fayyad’s resignation as Palestinian premier seen as blow to peace plan

Al-Shabaka cofounder Nadia Hijab quoted on Salaam Fayyad’s resignation: “‘Abbas-Fayyad relations have been tense for years but Fayyad had to be kept on as prime minister to keep Western donors happy,’ said Nadia Hijab, the director of al Shabaka, a Palestinian policy research center. But many blamed the same policies that kept the United States and other Western countries happy for the dismal economy in the Palestinian-ruled West Bank. Hijab said Fayyad’s policies were blamed ‘for multiplying the deprivation of the 46-year Israeli occupation.’ The policies were ‘especially unpopular’ among members of the Fatah movement, which had enjoyed years of patronage and is the base of Abbas’ support.”

Palestine’s PM Resigns

VIDEO: Al-Shabaka co-founder Osamah Khalil gets to the bottom of Salaam Fayyad’s resignation as Palestinian prime minister and tackles the real issues.

Too much of a good thing? Palestinians realize downsides of foreign aid boom

Shira Rubin quotes Al-Shabaka Program Director Alaa Tartir, who said that the combination of Israeli restrictions and donor neglect have triggered a Palestinian “resistance economy,” which skirts external restrictions. Learn more about the “resistance economy” from Al-Shabaka.

Il gas di Gaza e gli sprechi dell’Unione Europea

An Italian journal article about Gaza’s gas reserves cites Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Victor Kattan’s policy brief, “The Gas Fields off Gaza: A Gift or a Curse?”

“Gaza is a Bantustan”: author Samah Sabawi interviewed

Joe Catron at interviews Samah Sabawi following the publication of her op-ed about Israel’s total control of the Gaza population.

Israel and Palestine: One State or Two?

An interview about the meaning of the UN resolution to recognize Palestine, with Al-Shabaka advisor Ali Abunimah, as well as J Street board member Marilyn Katz, and Atalia Omer, a researcher at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.

Can the PA govern occupied Palestine?

“The Palestinian Authority has been undermined; it has [become] a nuisance… The only just solution that some Palestinian activists have started discussing is a secular, democratic state on the historic lands of the state of Palestine, which means the end of the Palestinian Authority and the end of the façade of the peace process doctrine.”

“Israel não perde o sono com pressão da Europa”, diz analista

In a Portuguese-language publication, Al-Shabaka Executive Director Nadia Hijab is interviewed about the prospect of European economic pressure on Israel.

La ONU vota, Israel bombardea

The Spanish-language section of IPS quotes Mouin Rabbani on Israel’s reasons to fear prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes.