The US Elections, Attacks on Activists, and a Changing Discourse

مقال - الانتخابات الأمريكية والاعتداءات على الناشطين والخطاب المتغير

The ongoing shift in discourse in the United States has as yet had little effect on politics and none on policy, argues Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Rashid Khalidi. He discusses Israel’s attempts to close the floodgates of debate and activism that boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) tactics have forced open, as well as the dangerous Israel-Gulf alliance.

Israel’s Dangerous New Transfer Tactic in Jerusalem

مقال - تكتيك الترانسفير الجديد الخطير الذي تتبعه إسرائيل في القدس

Israel exploits temporary crises to promote permanent measures that it uses to create new refugees and internally displaced Palestinians. Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Munir Nuseibah discusses the cases and events used as precedents since the 1990s, and zeroes in on the latest effort to dispossess Palestinians accused of a breach of allegiance to Israel.

Understanding ISIS’s Palestine Propaganda

مقال - فهم دعاية داعش في فلسطين

How do Salafi-jihadi groups like ISIS exploit the question of Palestine in their rhetoric? Al- Shabaka Policy Member 24556 addresses this issue based on an analysis of ISIS statements on Gaza, Jerusalem, and other recurring themes in 2015 and calls on Palestinians to act so as to prevent the appropriation of their narrative.

Palestinian Political Disintegration, Culture, and National Identity

Article - Palestinian Political Disintegration, Culture, and National Identity

Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Jamil Hilal reflects on the vibrancy of Palestinian culture and its role in nurturing identity at a time of severe political disarray. He highlights the experience of the Palestinian citizens of Israel in sustaining culture and identity while under threat and identifies some of the principles needed to rebuild a national movement.

Reflections on Palestinian Strategy

Article - Reflections on Palestinian Strategy

The reason Palestinians face a bleak political situation is due in large part to the absence of strategic thinking, argues Al-Shabaka Policy Member Amal Ahmad. She reflects on the need for strategies that confront Israel’s ultimate vision and directly target the weak points in its armor to avoid ineffective efforts or unwanted results.

Palestine-Israel: Europe Drowning in America’s Failures

Article - Palestine-Israel: Europe Drowning in America's Failures

On January 18 the European Union Foreign Affairs Council may decide additional measures against Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise. Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Sam Bahour and Guest Author 24493 urge the EU to bypass the US and take the lead in bringing about a just resolution to the conflict, saving themselves money and ending a key source of regional instability.

Palestinian Citizens in Israel: A Fast-Shrinking Civic Space

Article - Palestinian Citizens in Israel: A Fast-Shrinking Civic Space

The New Year brought further attacks against the Palestinian citizens in Israel’s rights to exercise freedom of speech and association. Left-wing Israeli Jewish organizations are also under increasing pressure. Al-Shabaka policy members Nadim Nashif and 24538 analyze the impact of these attacks by both the Israeli government and right wing organizations espousing an extremist ideology.

The Palestine State Project in Question

مقال - مشروع الدولة الفلسطينية قيد البحث

Mahmoud Abbas raised the Palestine flag at the UN just as a Palestinian revolt against Israel’s decades-long denial of rights spread from Jerusalem to the rest of the occupied territory and Israel itself. Al-Shabaka Executive Director Nadia Hijab examines the already serious limits state and civil society face in making the Palestine State project a reality.

Read Their Lips: Israeli Leaders’ Plans for the Palestinians

مقال - اقرأ شفاههم: خطط القادة الإسرائيليين للفلسطينيين

History in the Holy Land seems stuck in a loop. In 2000, former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, at the time leader of the opposition, visited the al-Aqsa compound in a deliberate provocation that triggered the second Intifada. Israel launched operation “Defensive Shield” to crush the protests and eliminate the Palestinian resistance. As a result, more than 3,000 Palestinians and almost 1,000 Israelis lost their lives between 2000 and 2004, and the peace process was forever derailed.