The Revival of People-to-People Projects: Relinquishing Israeli Accountability

Article - The Revival of People-to-People Projects: Relinquishing Israeli Accountability

People-to-People (P2P) funded-projects are being revived in the US and Europe, threatening to undermine international law and Palestinians’ rights. Al-Shabaka’s Senior Analyst, 24588, examines the troubling implications of P2P initiatives and offers recommendations for how policymakers can counter them in order to bring about a just peace that holds Israel accountable for its violations of Palestinians’ rights.

Palestinian Digital Rights: Crackdowns & Corporate Complicity with Amal Nazzal

Podcast - Palestinian Digital Rights: Crackdowns & Corporate Complicity with Amal Nazzal

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Amal Nazzal 00:00 When you are not paying for the product, you are the product. I think this is the case with Facebook and other social media platforms, and all the scandals of Facebook, particularly, in violating our own digital rights and selling our […]

Biden in the White House: Alaa Tartir on Implications for Palestine

Podcast - Biden in the White House: Alaa Tartir on Implications for Palestine

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Alaa Tartir 00:00 The US aid to the Palestinian Authority largely aims to solidify the role of the Palestinian Authority as a subcontractor to Israel, the Israeli occupation. It made the Israeli occupation cheaper and longer. It also benefited the Israeli economy and it […]

The Future of US Policy Toward Palestine

Article - The Future of US Policy Toward Palestine

Over the past four years, the Trump administration has enacted major long-term changes to US policy vis-à-vis Palestine. What possibilities lie ahead for the next administration to either expand or reverse this trajectory, and how can Palestinians leverage their power to influence future decision-making?

With US elections looming, Al-Shabaka analysts Hatem Bazian and Nadia Hijab join host Nur Arafeh to weigh in on these questions and more in this policy lab.

A Century of Colonial Mapping in Palestine with Zena Agha

Podcast - A Century of Colonial Mapping in Palestine with Zena Agha

The transcript below has been lightly edited for brevity and clarity.  Zena Agha 00:00 The Hebrew map was, and very much continues to be, an exercise in state formation. It’s a kind of living, breathing document of settler colonialism, where Zionist ideology is really infused with and folded into the spatial practices and the spatial […]

Tourism in Service of Occupation and Annexation

Tourism in Service of Occupation and Annexation

Tourism has been critical to the Zionist enterprise since the first Zionists settled in Palestine. Al-Shabaka policy analyst 24418 explores the role of tourism, and especially religious tourism, in propagating the Zionist and Israeli-state narratives, focusing on the damaging impacts of Israeli settlement tourism in illegally occupied Palestinian land. She offers recommendations for ethical tourism that promotes Palestinian rights to self-determination. 

Trump’s “Deal” for Palestinians: Repercussions and Responses

Article - Trump’s “Deal” for Palestinians: Repercussions and Responses

Though US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” largely does not change conditions on the ground for Palestinians, it helps legitimize the Israeli colonial project, which continues apace despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Al-Shabaka analysts from around the globe weigh in on the repercussions of the deal where they live and offer steps to counter them. 

Israel’s Losing Battle: Palestine Advocacy in the University

Article - Israel’s Losing Battle: Palestine Advocacy in the University

The majority of suppression of Palestine advocacy in the US targets university students and faculty. Al-Shabaka’s Hatem Bazian traces the historic rise of this advocacy, offering recommendations for how the university, despite attacks against it, can continue to provide and even amplify an environment that fosters critical thinking on Palestine, in turn furthering the struggle for Palestinian rights. 

Palestine and U.S. Elections

Article - Palestine and U.S. Elections

The topic of Palestine is already proving to be divisive within the U.S. Democratic primaries, and it will undoubtedly remain a consistent question throughout the 2020 election season. Where do leading presidential candidates stand, and what role does civil society play in influencing shifts in political discourse and policy positions? Al-Shabaka analysts 24418 and Zaha Hassan weigh in on these questions and more in our Super Tuesday policy lab, hosted by Nur Arafeh.