Dalal Yassine

Dalal Yassine is a lawyer and advocate for gender and human rights for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Dalal has previously worked with several Palestinian NGOs in Lebanon and formerly served as coordinator for The Right to Work Campaign for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon. She is the co-author of The Legal Status of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (2007) and completed a multi-site study titled The Empowerment of Women in Refugee Camps in Lebanon.
Aziza Khalidi

Aziza Khalidi serves on the board of the Najdeh Association and is a founding member of the Forum of Palestinian women in Lebanon, a network of non-governmental organizations promoting the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. She is also affiliated to the faculty of economics and business administration at the Islamic University of Lebanon. She works as a freelance research consultant in areas pertaining to health and development for refugees in general, gender issues, and elderly. Contributed to design, implementation and report write up of several field surveys.
Ayman Abdul Majeed

Ayman Abdul Majeed is Researcher and Survey Unit coordinator for the Center for Development Studies at Birzeit University. He has spent nearly 20 years in community research and programs focused on marginalized groups including women, youth, people with disability, children, and Palestinian refugees in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon. He is a member of the National Committee for Women Employment’s (2010-2013). His publications include: women with disability and access to justice (Center for Development Studies, BZU 2013, and Low youth participation in the labor market in Palestine: Reasons and limitations from a gender perspective 2011, Population Council, Cairo. He took his MA in Gender and Development at Birzeit University in 2006.
Anis Kassim

Dr. Anis Kassim is an international lawyer based in Amman. He is the chief editor of the Palestine Yearbook of International Law. He helped make the Palestinian case before the International Court of Justice, resulting in its July 9, 2004 Advisory Opinion affirming the illegality of Israel’s separation wall and its associated regime.
Anaheed Al-Hardan

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Anaheed Al-Hardan is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the American University of Beirut. She is an advisory board member of the Palestinian Oral History Archive. Her research on right of return movement activism, critical research methods in Palestine studies and Palestinian intellectual history has appeared in the Journal of Palestine Studies, Qualitative Inquiry and Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. She is the author of Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities (Columbia University Press, 2016). She is currently undertaking a new book-based research project on Palestinian and Arab decolonial theory within the context of south-south philosophies of liberation and decolonization.