Dalal Yassine is a lawyer and advocate for gender and human rights for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Dalal has previously worked with several Palestinian NGOs in Lebanon and formerly served as coordinator for The Right to Work Campaign for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon. She is the co-author of The Legal Status of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (2007) and completed a multi-site study titled The Empowerment of Women in Refugee Camps in Lebanon.
From this author
This collection of some of the most compelling pieces Al-Shabaka has published contextualizes and discusses the unique difficulties of Palestinian refugees displaced across the Middle East – from becoming refugees a second or third time due to the ongoing Syrian civil war to over-researching camps “famous” for tragedy while under-researching other refugee situations and exile communities.
Before the 1982 Israeli invasion, Lebanon was the center of the Palestinian national movement. Today, however, the country’s Palestinian refugee community is considered among the most marginalized in the Palestinian Diaspora. Last month, the Lebanese parliament addressed the issue of the refugees’ rights but the draft bill was referred back to committee.

Dalal Yassine· Jul 6, 2010