Mai Abu Moghli

Al-Shabaka Mai Abu Moghli

Mai Abu Moghli is senior researcher and Co-Principle Investigator in the Education in Emergencies Program at the Centre for Lebanese Studies. She received a PhD in human rights education from UCL’s Institute of Education and an MA in human rights from the University of Essex. Her work focuses on critical approaches to human rights education, teacher professional development, refugee education, and decolonizing research and higher education. She has worked in a number of academic institutions in the UK, Lebanon, and Palestine, and has published on the legal status of Syrian Palestinian refugees, Palestinian teachers’ activism, the professional development of teachers in the context of mass displacement, and on decolonial research ethics and methods.


Khalil Shaheen

Al-Shabaka Khalil Shaheen

Khalil Shaheen is a Palestinian Journalist, media expert, researcher, and well-known political and media analyst. He is currently the director of research and policies and board member at Masarat – The Palestine Center for Policy Research and Strategic studies in Ramallah. Since 1981, he has served as a journalist, editor and researcher at several institutions, newspapers and magazines in Lebanon, Syria, Cyprus, Jordan and Palestine, since 1981. His articles and policy studies are widely published.

Kifah Abdul Halim

Al-Shabaka Kifah Abdul Halim

Kifah Abdul Halim is a Palestinian journalist, translator, and activist. She began her career as a political and media advisor and worked with several NGOs, serving inter-alia as the Director of the Occupied Territories Department at Physicians for Human Rights. In recent years, she has focused her career on journalism, leading context and investigative reports for newspapers and digital platforms as well as for feature documentaries. She is the Editor of “Alasa’a” – an independent critical electronic magazine – and works with various Palestinian cultural institutions, producing festivals, concerts, writers’ and artists’ residencies, and other programs.

Laila el-Haddad

Al-Shabaka Laila el-Haddad

Laila el-Haddad is a Maryland-based freelance journalist, author, political analyst, and parent-of-two from Gaza. From 2003-2007, she was Gaza correspondent for the Al-Jazeera English website and a regular contributor to the BBC World Service. She is the author of Gaza Mom: Palestine, Politics, Parenting, and Everything in Between, named for the award-winning blog she has authored since 2004, and was a contributor to The Goldstone Report: The Legacy of the Landmark Investigation of the Gaza Conflict (Nation Books January 2011) and author of the forthcoming Gaza Kitchen. She has been published in The Washington Post, the International Herald Tribune, The Baltimore Sun, The New Statesman, Le Monde diplomatique, and has been a guest on WUNC, WBUR and CNN. She is also a columnist for the Guardian’s Comment is Free. She is a graduate of Duke University and Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Karam Omar

Al-Shabaka Karam Omar

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Karam Omar is a legal researcher at the Institute of Law at Birzeit University. He has a masters in law from the University of Essex. Karam was also called to the English Bar by the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple in 2016.

Kareem Rabie

Al-Shabaka Kareem Rabie

Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Kareem Rabie, is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Illinois, Chicago. His research focuses on privatization, urban development, and the state-building project in the West Bank, which culminated in his first book, Palestine is Throwing a Party and the Whole World is Invited (Duke University Press, 2021). Rabie’s new work examines the political economy and human geographies of Palestine/China trade. Previously, he was Assistant Professor of Anthropology at American University in Washington, DC, Harper-Schmidt Fellow at the University of Chicago, and Marie Curie Fellow/Senior Researcher at the University of Oxford Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS).

Khalil Hindi

Al-Shabaka Khalil Hindi

Khalil Hindi is President of Bir Zeit University. He was formerly Professor and Associate Dean at Olayan School of Business, American University of Beirut. He held professorships in both engineering and management science in Britain and AUB. He writes occasionally on Palestinian issues.

Jamil Hilal

Al-Shabaka Jamil Hilal

Jamil Hilal is an independent Palestinian sociologist and writer, and has published many books and numerous articles on Palestinian society, the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Middle East issues.  Hilal has held, and holds, associate senior research fellowship at a number of Palestinian research institutions.  His recent publications include works on poverty, Palestinian political parties, and the political system after Oslo.  He edited Where Now for Palestine: The Demise of the Two-State Solution (Z Books, 2007), and with Ilan Pappe edited Across the Wall (I.B. Tauris, 2010).

Jamil Salem

Al-Shabaka Jamil Salem

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Jamil Salem is a legal scholar and the Director of the Institute of Law at Birzeit University. He gained his legal experience at different Austrian and international organizations, becoming fluent in English as well as his mother tongues of Arabic and German. He was recruited by Birzeit University in January 2005, where he started as an academic researcher and as the programs manager of the Institute of Law, before becoming director in August 2012. His research interests include the history of law, human rights, legal theory, socio-legal studies, law and politics, and rule of law studies and technologies of imperialism.