Jehad Abusalim

Al-Shabaka Jehad Abusalim

Jehad Abusalim is currently a PhD student in the History and Hebrew and Judaic Studies joint program at New York University. His main area of research is Palestinian and Arab perceptions of the Zionist project and the Jewish question before 1948. He also studies the political and social history of the Gaza Strip and the impacts of the Palestinian Nakba, and how it radically impacted the political, social, demographic, and economic realities of Gaza.

Jeremy Wildeman

الشبكة جيريمي وايلدمان

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Jeremy Wildeman ​is a Research Associate at the University of Bath’s “Department of Social and Policy Sciences” where he is carrying out research on donor policy towards the Palestinians. Previously he completed a PhD on Canadian and foreign development aid towards the Palestinians, and has collaborated on a number of past research projects on Palestinian development, economy and NGOs. He also has substantial past experience with the Palestinian NGO sector, including co-founding the Nablus-based youth ​development charity ​”Project Hope​.​”

Joanna Springer

Al-Shabaka Joanna Springer

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Joanna Springer is a researcher on development policy and governance reform in the Middle East.  She has carried out research and worked for local organizations in Morocco, Qatar and the West Bank.  Currently, Joanna is research advisor for a rule of law advancement project in the Arab Gulf.  She holds a Master’s of Public Policy and Administration from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst with a focus in economic development.

Kamal Boullata (1942-2019)

Al-Shabaka Kamal Boullata

Kamal Boullata was a visual artist and writer. He was the author of Recovery of Place: A Study of Contemporary Palestinian Art (in Arabic, 2000) and Palestinian Art: Discontinuities and Resistance, 1845-2005. He co-edited If Only the Sea Could Sleep (with Mirene Ghossein, 2003) and We Begin Here: Poems for Palestine and Lebanon (with Kathy Engel, 2007).

Isra Namey

Al-Shabaka Isra Namey

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Isra Namey is a journalist based in the Gaza Strip. Namey graduated from the Islamic university of Gaza in 2015, obtaining a degree in English Literature. She reports from Gaza and writes for Electronic Intifada, Mondoweiss, and al Jazeera English.

Issam Younis

Al-Shabaka Issam Younis

Issam Younis is the Director of Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights in Gaza. He is the Commissioner General of The Palestinian Independent Commission for Hunan Rights (ICHR). He is the president of the Arab Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ANNHRI). He is also a member of the Palestinian Higher Education Council.

Jaber Suleiman

Al-Shabaka Jaber Suleiman

Jaber Suleiman is an independent researcher/consultant in Refugee Studies. Since 2011, he has been working as a consultant and coordinator for the Lebanese Palestinian Dialogue Forum at the Common Space Initiative, UNDP Support Project on Consensus Building, and Civil Peace in Lebanon. Between 2007 and 2010, he worked as a consultant for the Palestinian program of UNICEF in Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon. He was a Visiting Study Fellow at the Refugee Studies Program, University of Oxford. He is also a co-founder of Aidoun Group & the Centre for Refugee Rights/Aidoun, and has written several studies dealing with Palestinian refugees and the right of return.

Jacqueline Sansour

Al-Shabaka Jacqueline Sansour

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Jacqueline Sansour is a writer and editor with extensive knowledge of the history, politics, and current affairs of the Middle East and North Africa. She has spent extended periods of time in the Arab world, including Palestine, Libya and Tunisia. Jacqueline holds an MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies from SOAS in London.

Jamal Juma’

Al-Shabaka Jamal Juma'

Jamal Juma’ is the Coordinator of the Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall), a secretariat member of the BDS National Committee (BNC), and an executive committee member of the New Unions.