Ata Hindi

Al-Shabaka Ata Hindi

Al-Shabaka member Ata Hindi is currently a PhD in Law candidate at Tilburg University and holds an Advanced LLM in Public International Law from Leiden University. He has previously worked with a number of international NGOs focused on international law, especially in Palestine and the Arab World.

Awad Hamdan

Al-Shabaka Awad Hamdan

Al-Shabaka Policy Member Awad Hamdan is National Programs Director for American Muslims for Palestine.

Ayah Abubasheer

Al-Shabaka Ayah Abubasheer

Ayah Abubasheer holds a Master’s degree in Global Politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She has published articles at Electronic Intifada, Palestine Chronicle, Mondoweiss and Middle East Eye.

Ayman Abdul Majeed

Al-Shabaka Ayman Abdul Majeed

Ayman Abdul Majeed is Researcher and Survey Unit coordinator for the Center for Development Studies at Birzeit University. He has spent nearly 20 years in community research and programs focused on marginalized groups including women, youth, people with disability, children, and Palestinian refugees in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon. He is a member of the National Committee for Women Employment’s (2010-2013). His publications include: women with disability and access to justice (Center for Development Studies, BZU 2013, and Low youth participation in the labor market in Palestine: Reasons and limitations from a gender perspective 2011, Population Council, Cairo. He took his MA in Gender and Development at Birzeit University in 2006.

Anis Kassim

الشبكة أنيس قاسم

Dr. Anis Kassim is an international lawyer based in Amman. He is the chief editor of the Palestine Yearbook of International Law. He helped make the Palestinian case before the International Court of Justice, resulting in its July 9, 2004 Advisory Opinion affirming the illegality of Israel’s separation wall and its associated regime.

Antoine Zahlan (1928-2020)

Al-Shabaka Antoine Zahlan

Antoine Zahlan was a former professor and chairman of the Physics Department at the American University of Beirut and former director of the Royal Scientific Society, Amman, Jordan. He initiated the Arab Project and Development Institute in Lebanon and was a founding member of other Arab institutions such as the Arab Physical Society and the Center for Arab Unity Studies. He published extensively on a broad range of topics from agricultural and educational policies to manpower planning and institution-building.

As’ad Ghanem

Al-Shabaka As'ad Ghanem

As’ad Ghanem is a senior lecturer at the School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa. Ghanem’s theoretical work has explored the legal, institutional and political conditions in ethnic states. He has covered issues such as Palestinian political orientations, the establishment and political structure of the Palestinian Authority, and majority-minority politics in a comparative perspective. His books include Palestinian Politics after Arafat: A Failed National Movement (Indiana Series in Middle East Studies). Ghanem has initiated several empowerment programs for Palestinians in Israel.

Ameer Makhoul

Al-Shabaka Ameer Makhoul

Ameer Makhoul has served for many years as General Director of ittijah – Union of Arab Community Based Associations, the largest coalition of civil society organizations among the Palestinian citizens of Israel. He has also chaired the National committee for the Protection of Political Freedoms, and served as coordinator of the Coordinating Committee of Palestinian Civil Society in the Homeland and Diaspora. He writes frequently on human rights issues and his political analysis is widely circulated.

Amjad Iraqi

Al-Shabaka Amjad Iraqi

Al-Shabaka Member Amjad Iraqi is an editor and writer at +972 Magazine, based in Haifa. He was previously an advocacy coordinator at Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel. In addition to +972, his writings have appeared in the London Review of Books, The Guardian, Le Monde Diplomatique, and The Hill, among others. Amjad has an MA in Public Policy from King’s College London, and an Hon. BA in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Toronto.