Pro-Palestinian voices are often misrepresented and vilified by media outlets, perpetuating harmful stereotypes. Meanwhile, Israeli voices and policies are given far more airtime and far less criticism.

Since 7 October, the global media has had its eye on Gaza, but the reality of our industry today means that much of this coverage is laced with pro-Israel bias, lacking context and dangerously dehumanizing to Palestinians. Pro-Palestinian voices are often misrepresented and vilified by media outlets, perpetuating harmful stereotypes. Meanwhile, Israeli voices and policies are given far more airtime and far less criticism.

To mark Indie News Week, New Internationalist and Declassified UK hosted a panel discussion titled ‘Why we need indie media for real coverage on Gaza.’

Panellists included:

Mark Curtis (Director, Declassified UK)

Amy Hall (Co-editor, New Internationalist)

Yara Hawari (Co-director of Al Shabaka: the Palestinian Policy Network) Hamza Yusuf (British-Palestinian writer and journalist)

The discussion was moderated by Natalie Fenton (Professor of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths’, University of London).

Featured Speaker

Yara Hawari is Al-Shabaka's co-director. She previously served as the Palestine policy fellow and senior analyst. Yara completed her PhD in Middle East Politics at...
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