The closure of a music studio and the destruction of Palestinian Jerusalem

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

In Israel’s deliberate and systematic effort to sever the deeply rooted Palestinian connection to Jerusalem, cultural institutions that preserve Palestinian identity have been a prime target, writes Yara Hawari.

World continues to ignore Gaza’s never ending state of trauma

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

The besieged Gaza Strip has faced yet another devastating, deadly Israeli attack but the world continues to ignore our endless trauma.

Biden’s hospital aid to Palestinians puts a band-aid on a bullet wound

Biden’s pledge to provide Palestinians with medical aid is merely part of a long history of using humanitarian efforts as a political tool

Israel’s Facebook Bill: An attack on Palestinian free speech

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

States of Journalism: Nadim Nashif explains how the draconian Facebook Bill, which will give the Israeli government the power to censor content on all websites, will further infringe on the rights of Palestinians to critique Israel’s crimes.

Israel-Egypt-EU gas deal is another green light to occupation and rights abuses

Rather than isolating states that violate individual rights and international law, Europe is enabling them to oppress with impunity

Targeting BDS is about repressing all political dissent

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Yara Hawari highlights the concerning policies that the UK government is using to target both Palestine solidarity, as well as wider social justice movements and mobilisations. This also presents an opportunity for collective resistance, she writes.

Sheikh Jarrah: Ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem

Article - Critique as movement building: The apartheid reports on Palestine

In our struggle, there is room for all the different elements that constitute our people and the multifaceted resistance we employ to fight Zionist colonialism, all bound together by a singular idea too: freedom.

A colonized Palestine isn’t the answer to the world’s guilt

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Zionism’s synergy with right-wing populists has exploited antisemitism to justify apartheid. And Palestinians refuse to be its silent victims.

Addressing the ‘Full Context’: The First Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Root Causes in Palestine

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The report examines violations of individual as well as collective rights, underscoring that while ending Israel’s ‘perpetual occupation’ is essential for the Palestinian people to exercise their right to self-determination.