Passage of Israel’s judicial reform entrenches ‘Jewish supremacy’

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

The new law passed by Knesset will make it easier for the far-right government to pursue policies that harm Palestinians, experts say.

The PA’s Slow-Motion Collapse

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In the aftermath of Israel’s attack on Jenin, the Palestinian Authority’s efforts to regain legitimacy risk hastening its potentially terminal decline.

The aftermath of Israel’s assault on Jenin

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

In the aftermath of one of the worst Israeli military attacks on the occupied West Bank in 20 years, the Israeli government takes issue with the global media’s coverage of the violence.

What the siege of Jenin signals about the future of Israel and Palestine

The Israeli raid on Jenin appears over. But the next one could come at any time.

Israel might try to make Jenin the new Gaza

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

Israel has made it clear that this is not the end of its operations in Jenin, and the latest raid has left Palestinians asking, is Israel moving towards a Gaza-type model in Jenin?

Under Fire: Report from Jenin Refugee Camp on Israel’s Largest West Bank Attack in 20 Years

Israel attacked the Jenin refugee camp this weekend in what some are calling the largest military operation in the occupied West Bank in 20 years.

Army Demolishes A Wall Near Qalqilia

During these invasions, the soldiers block all Palestinian traffic, frequently storm homes, abduct Palestinians, attack protesters, and remove the Palestinian flag from the archeological area.

Funder or Censor?

Article - Keeping Yourself Occupied: The Palestinian Authority Guide

Over the last two decades, funding in Palestine has become tied to ever-increasing restrictive conditions that are used to control and limit Palestinian civil society.

Discourses of Violence and the Fight for Palestinian Liberation

The panelists discussed the distinction between the “justice narrative”—which reflects Palestinians’ experience of violent settler colonialism—and the “peace narrative” pushed by Israel and its Western supporters.