Palestine Sets Precedent with Legal Complaint

Palestine recently submitted a complaint with the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination involving Israeli violations of the rights of the Palestinian people. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Zaha Hassan outlines why the complaint’s findings could build the factual and legal basis for prosecutions in international courts against Israeli officials as well as the state of Israel itself.

Palestinian Leadership: What a New Model Might Look Like

Palestinians hold a poster depicting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during a protest against the blockade

Two decades after the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian leadership has failed to bring about peace, justice, and self-determination to the Palestinian people. Indeed, failure of leadership has marked the Palestinian struggle for the past century and was marked during the British Mandate and the 1936-39 uprising. With the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian […]

Upending the Palestinian Leadership: The Role of Youth

Upending the Palestinian Leadership

This analysis is part of the Al-Shabaka Policy Circle on Leadership and Accountability and is published alongside the contributions made by Dana El-Kurd, Marwa Fatafta, Inès Abdel Razek, Tareq Baconi, and Ali Abdel Wahab – to read their contributions see here.   Instead of bringing an end to the occupation, the current Palestinian leadership and […]

70 Years of Nakba: Where Can Palestinians Go from Here?

Article - Marking the Nakba: From Betrayals and Warnings to Future Visions

Palestinians have perhaps never been more in need of a forward-looking vision to shape their struggle. On the Nakba’s 70th anniversary, Al-Shabaka analysts propose visions they contend would resonate with the greatest number of Palestinians – whether one-staters or two, refugees, exiles, citizens of Israel, or those under occupation – and map ways to get from here to there. 

Focus On: Gaza

World attention has refocused on Gaza since the Palestinians imprisoned there for more than a decade began their peaceful “Great March of Return” on March 30. In this collection of publications, Al-Shabaka analysts review the conditions and developments of the past decade to address the most important political and economic issues informing the current situation.

Israel’s Annexation Crusade in Jerusalem: The Role of Ma’ale Adumim and the E1 Corridor

Israel’s Annexation Crusade in Jerusalem: The Role of Ma’ale Adumim and the E1 Corridor

Buoyed by US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as its capital, Israel has intensified efforts to annex settlements and areas bordering the city, including Ma’ale Adumim and the E1 corridor. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 analyzes the implications of annexation and recommends ways the international community and Palestinians can work to block this disastrous outcome.

When Left is Right: How Palestinians Can Burst Israel’s Political Bubble

When Left is Right: How Palestinians Can Burst Israel’s Political Bubble

With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing possible corruption charges, Israeli political parties are preparing to vie for the country’s leadership. But for Palestinians, Israel’s politics foreshadow a deterioration of their rights regardless of who prevails. Al-Shabaka Analyst 24369 examines the political scene and recommends ways to alter the structures that allow Israel to systematically deny Palestinian rights.

Israel’s Latest Attempts to Alter Geopolitical Realities in Jerusalem

Emboldened by the election of US President Donald Trump, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu government has introduced bills aimed at annexing the West Bank, particularly around Jerusalem. Al-Shabaka US Policy Fellow 24598 examines the latest of these bills, analyzes their implications, and recommends ways Palestinians and the international community can impede Israel and hold it to account.

To Achieve One State, Palestinians Must Also Work for Two

مقال - لتحقيق الدولة الواحدة، على الفلسطينيين أن يعملوا من أجل دولتين أيضاً

Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has spurred many proclamations of the end of the two-state solution. Yet is it time to move to a struggle for one state? Al-Shabaka Executive Director Nadia Hijab argues that Palestinians should work for either outcome, and calls for the reframing of the Palestinian narrative to advance that struggle.