Is the Two-State Solution Still Viable?

Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts

Alaa Tartir, Tariq Dana, and Timothy Seidel, eds., Political Economy of Palestine: Critical, Interdisciplinary, and Decolonial Perspectives

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An approach to economics that does not consider the political—a de-politicized economics—is inadequate to understanding the situation in occupied Palestine.

Pegasus: Flying on the wings of Israeli ‘cyber-tech diplomacy’?

What was the role of the Israeli state in the spread of an insidious piece of malware? Plus, PR companies and the work they do with controversial governments.

The draconian law used by Israel to steal Palestinian land

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

Analysts say all outposts are a backdoor to keep claiming Palestinian land after Israel committed to freezing settlements in the Oslo Accords in 1993.

Palestijnse demonstranten eisen vertrek Palestijns president Abbas

Na de dood van de prominente Palestijnse activist Nizar Banat trekken Palestijnen al dagen woedend de straat op tegen de Palestijnse Autoriteit. De onrust wakkert de populariteit van Hamas aan.

Egypt used Gaza ceasefire to ‘improve its standing in Washington’

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

Egypt tried to prove to Washington it can still handle the ‘Palestinian file’ when it brokered the latest Israel-Hamas ceasefire, experts say

Gen Z Reclaims the Palestinian Cause

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Youth activists on both sides of the Green Line have taken up the mantle abandoned by their ostensible leaders.

Moscow looks to expand role in Mideast peace process

Workers around the world can help end violence against the people of Palestine and Colombia

Through coordinated and direct action, the international working class helped end apartheid in South Africa; it can do the same now to end the violence of occupation in Palestine and the exploitation and police crackdowns in Colombia.