A new approach to elections in Palestine

Article - The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story

When the legislative elections do take place, Palestinians should vote to reject the status quo.

Elections or not, the PA is intensifying its authoritarian rule online

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

The run up to PA elections has alarmingly shown what Palestinian political activism is facing in the digital age: more surveillance, more repression.

Jerusalem protests: Palestine’s new generation rises up

Palestinians have a real opportunity to transform popular anger into a practical liberation movement

‘One system, one policy’: Why Human Rights Watch is charging Israel with apartheid

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Israel has made it irrefutably clear it intends to make Jewish domination over Palestinians permanent between the river and the sea, says HRW’s Omar Shakir in interview following landmark report.

The Fight Against Vaccine Apartheid Goes Global

Article - The Fight Against Vaccine Apartheid Goes Global

Israel’s refusal to vaccinate Palestinians under occupation has stirred widespread outrage—and linked the struggle for justice in Palestine to struggles around the world.

On the Postponed Palestinian Elections: The Role of the Left

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung global logo

The Palestinian left needs desperately to maintain more than a symbolic ineffective presence in the Palestinian political arena.

The Jerusalem Declaration’s Fatal Flaw

Article -

I encourage the authors and signatories of the JDA to listen to Palestinians’ criticisms of the document—from those offered by the BDS movement to my own—as they work to bring much-needed clarity to the muddled discourse around antisemitism, so that we can together continue to fight against racism in all forms and for Palestinian equality, freedom, and return.

The US media is touting Israel’s Covid recovery. But occupied Palestinians are left out

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

Instead of vaccinating Palestinians, Benjamin Netanyahu tried to send thousands of doses around the world as rewards to countries that moved their embassies to Jerusalem.

Putting the International Criminal Court’s Palestine Investigation into Context

Article - ICC and Palestine Symposium: The (Non) Effects of Oslo on Rights and Status

While the ICC’s jurisdiction in Palestine is limited, it can go some way in challenging the fragmentation of the Palestinian people, including by attempting to investigate and prosecute the continued denial of the right of return of Palestinians.