“El sistema político palestino es antidemocrático y patriarcal”

En esta entrevista, la investigadora y analista política Marwa Fatafta habla sobre la cruda realidad que atraviesa el pueblo palestino y un futuro que se vislumbra difuso.

Palestinian Authority Postpones Parliamentary Elections

It was meant to be a historic and long-overdue vote aimed at ending 15 years of paralyzed and divided leadership. Instead, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday called off next month’s parliamentary elections after challengers from his own party threatened to weaken his hold on power.

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But even the possibility of swaying mainstream Israelis may belong to a bygone era. Support for a two-state solution among both Israelis and Palestinians is at its lowest point in a generation, as is identification with the Israeli left.

Nightmare scenarios: Israeli and Palestinian elections

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On March 23rd Israel held its fourth national election in two years. And starting in May Palestinians in the occupied territory will be holding their first elections in 15 years.

COVID-19 Special: Coronavirus in the West Bank and Gaza

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Israel currently has the worldwide highest COVID-19 vaccination rate per person. But that does not include Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Facing international criticism, the government now started vaccinating Palestinian workers.

Can a new generation change Palestinian politics?

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Young Palestinians are so frustrated with ossified political institutions that they prioritize replacing out-of-touch leaders, even before achieving national independence. Will upcoming elections bring new blood?

Israel’s vaccine apartheid is killing Palestinians

As COVID-19 continues to wreak deadly havoc, Israel touts record-setting efforts to inoculate its citizens while denying Palestinians in occupied territories life-saving vaccines. This is no accident: It is political, deliberate, and must be stopped.

Israel y Palestina coinciden en una primavera decisiva en las urnas

Por primera vez en tres lustros, los palestinos votan el próximo 22 de mayo en un guiño de Abás a la administración Biden.

Palestinian leader’s path to elections is fraught with peril

Both Palestinian authorities have suppressed dissent through torture and arbitrary arrests in the areas under their control, and Israel routinely detains Palestinian activists and cracks down on protests and boycott movements.