Activating Palestine’s UNESCO Membership

المقال - تفعيل عضوية فلسطين في اليونسكو

Palestinian leaders have not activated Palestine’s UNESCO membership despite the costly battle to join and even though it could help rebalance the skewed Israeli-Palestinian power dynamic. Al-Shabaka Guest Author Valentina Azarov and Policy Member Nidal Sliman review the assaults on Palestinian cultural heritage and set out the significant practical advantages of UNESCO membership, including reasserting sovereignty over Palestinian land and sea and obliging third states to hold Israel accountable.

Oslo’s Roots: Kissinger, the PLO, and the Peace Process

Article - Oslo's Roots: Kissinger, the PLO, and the Peace Process

According to conventional wisdom, the PLO signed the Oslo Accords twenty years ago because it was almost bankrupt and feared an alternate leadership would emerge. But PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat sought to establish relations with the U.S. after the October 1973 War and offered significant concessions before ever reaching the negotiating table.

Why is the Egyptian Regime Demonizing Palestinians?

مقال - لماذا يقوم النظام المصري بشيطنة الفلسطينيين؟

As millions celebrated the end of the month of fasting, the Palestinians of Gaza remained under lockdown, the borders almost completely sealed and the tunnel economy destroyed. Al-Shabaka’s Gaza-based Policy Advisor Haidar Eid examines the way in which successive Egyptian regimes, including the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Morsi government, have used Gaza as a tool to achieve their ends and contributed to its plight.

How Sovereign a State?

Article - How Sovereign a State?

Will re-launched Israeli-Palestinian negotiations lead to a sovereign Palestinian state? In this brief, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Camille Mansour analyzes Israeli and Palestinian positions relating to key issues of sovereignty (i.e. armaments, alliances, crossings, borders, Israeli military posts). His conclusions – and warnings – are essential reading.

How to Make International Law Work for Palestinians

Article - Harnessing international law for the benefit of the Palestinians

For many Palestinians, international law has a bad name. It has been ignored or subverted to prolong Palestinian oppression and fragmentation since 1948. But, as Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Ingrid Jaradat argues, drawing on the findings of a major international conference at Birzeit University, the Palestinian people should not turn their back on international law: If used appropriately it is an effective tool for the oppressed.

Trashing Four Generations of Palestinian Inheritance

Article - Trashing Four Generations of Palestinian Inheritance

As Palestinians commemorate the 46th anniversary of Israel’s occupation on June 5th, the villagers of Rammun are particularly incensed – but their wrath is targeted primarily at the Palestinian Authority. They suspect it of complicity with the Israeli occupation in confiscating their ancestral lands for a trash landfill, just one outcome of the many decades of rights violations Palestinians everywhere experience. Al-Shabaka Policy Member Dina Omar tackles the issues.

An Open Debate on Palestinian Representation

المقال - نقاش مفتوح حول التمثيل الفلسطيني

Is it better to try to revive the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and its institutions or should Palestinians build a new national movement? The participants in this roundtable debate the pros and cons of starting from square one, as Osamah Khalil suggested in a recent policy brief. Additional roundtable insights: a different articulation of the PLO’s value, and a question mark regarding the usefulness of elections to a national liberation movement.

Beyond South Africa: Understanding Israeli Apartheid

Article - Beyond South Africa: Understanding Israeli Apartheid

Israeli apartheid is often compared to South Africa’s but Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Samer Abdelnour argues that it is a unique brand with specific characteristics. He identifies three inter-locking dimensions of Israeli apartheid – physical, architecture, and ideological – concluding that it is far more sophisticated than the South African brand and suggesting directions for thinking and action to successfully dismantle it.

“Who are You?”: The PLO and the Limits of Representation

Article - “Who are You?”: The PLO and the Limits of Representation

Is the Palestine Liberation Organization still the “sole, legitimate representative of the Palestinian people”? In this thought provoking policy brief, Al-Shabaka policy advisor Osamah Khalil argues that attempts to reform the organization will not make it more representative or accountable, but will instead save a leadership that has lost its legitimacy. He asserts that a new representative body must be built in order to achieve Palestinian rights.