Biden’s Impending Billions to Palestine

Article - Biden’s Impending Billions to Palestine

It is time to move beyond the ‘old normal’, but certainly neither the incoming US administration nor the current Palestinian political leadership are capable of or willing to move to a ‘new normal’ that might provide the basis for a just peace.

The Palestinian leadership chooses captivity

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Devoid of strategy, the PA has returned to its role as a subcontractor of the occupation. Luckily, the richest source of Palestinian power is in its grassroots.

Peace in Palestine cannot be achieved amid unlawful demolitions

Regional normalisation efforts will not succeed until Israel ends its ‘displace and replace’ policies against Palestinians.

Biden Presidency, Palestine-Israel, and the Prospects for Peace

Article - Palestine and COVID-19: Global Standards, Local Constraints

The Biden Administration will be perceived differently by the various actors involved in the “Palestinian-Israeli conflict” and the so-called peace process. Yet, its position as a “dishonest broker for peace” will remain the constant variable, in line with previous US Administrations.

It’s time to rethink the structure of Palestinian aid

More money can lead to more harm when spent improperly; technical solutions will fall short if they avoid challenging central political realities of the conflict

From Palestine to China, Zoom has no business censoring dissent

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Tech giants are acting as internet gatekeepers, dictating what narratives are permissible and who can freely express their opinions.

The myth of Rabin the peacemaker

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

The cult of personality around Yitzhak Rabin conceals the fact that the Oslo Accords were not derailed by his death, but achieved exactly what he wanted.

COVID-19 in Palestine: A Pandemic in the Face of “Settler Colonial Erasure”

Article - COVID-19 in Palestine: A Pandemic in the Face of "Settler Colonial Erasure"

As of early September 2020 more than 27 million cases of COVID-19 have been recorded worldwide, along with approximately 890,000 deaths. After many months of lockdown, countries are having to re-open despite growing infection rates and fears of a second wave while people adapt to a “new normal” which includes restrictions, social distancing and limited […]

Recycling Failure: Normalisation, annexation, and the legacy of the Oslo Accords at 27

Article - What the coronavirus outbreak means for Palestinian refugees

Twenty seven years later, the true legacy of the Oslo Accords has been Palestinian division, entrenched occupation and annexation, and Arab betrayal of Palestinian self-determination, writes Dalal Yassine.