Abrupt Change in Leadership: Governance & Security

Abrupt Change in Leadership: Governance & Security

Those with the greatest chance of taking control of the PA and its institutions have risen through, and been vetted by, the internationally sponsored security infrastructure. Moreover, it has become clear that no one may assume leadership of Palestinian structures of power without gaining the approval of the leaders of the security sector and its interlocutors.

A New Intifada: Economy

A New Intifada: Economy

The concept of a localized resistance economy can unite communities around collective resistance. However, bridging the gap between different actors in different communities and across different social classes necessitates a larger framework.

Abrupt Change in Leadership: Education

Abrupt Change in Leadership: Education

The vacancy of the president’s office or holding of legislative elections are not likely to lead to fundamental changes in the education sector, so long as the status quo persists. This is because the persistence of the status quo is contingent on the interests of PA forces, international actors, and the Israeli regime.

Collapse of the PA: Political Overview

Continuation of the Status Quo: Political Overview

The collapse of the PA assumes that all internal factors driving popular action against its policies would continue. It further assumes that the popular movement would call for the PA’s dismantlement due to its cumulative failures to address the many issues affecting the daily lives of Palestinians.

Continuation of the Status Quo: Political Overview

Continuation of the Status Quo: Political Overview

The status quo is nothing but a transitional stage hindering the necessary transformations to the PA, the PLO, and Palestinians at large. However, the longer this scenario persists, the more probable its enabling factors become catalysts for the other scenarios.

Abrupt Leadership Change: Economy

Al-Shabaka economy matrix

A new and democratic legislative council would require freeing the Palestinian economy from that of Israel’s. It would require adopting a participatory and transparent approach in the preparation of the annual general budget, and it would necessitate distribution of financial resources in accordance with the needs and aspirations of the Palestinian people.
Further analysis on this intersection is not available at this time.

A New Intifada: Education

Revival of the PLO: Education

In the case of an uprising, the focus of the education sector may shift to popular education, equipping revolutionaries with the political and strategic skills and tools needed to confront settler-colonial oppressors — skills and tools that align with a larger vision for liberation.

Revival of the PLO: Education

Revival of the PLO: Education

The revival of the PLO’s educational institutions represents an opportunity to improve the quality of Palestinians’ education, wherever they may be, by allowing them to create new educational departments and programs that reflect their specific political and social realities.

Abrupt Leadership Change: Society

Abrupt Leadership Change: Society