Israel is turning Palestinian students into criminals

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Israeli authorities have arrested at least 64 Palestinian university students since the start of 2019. That number is only growing.

Diana Buttu on how Israeli elections marginalize Palestinians

Article - Pandemic lays bare Israel’s systemic racism

On episode 10 of The Electronic Intifada Podcast, Asa and Nora speak to Diana Buttu about the most recent Israeli election and what it means for Palestinians.

Empowering women as sustainable energy leaders in Palestine

In a region where the majority have unmet energy needs, this project is bringing power to the people.

Electoral gains revive old dilemma for Israeli Arabs

Article - Electoral gains revive old dilemma for Israeli Arabs

“Domestic concerns cannot be separated from the general political oppression exercised over the Palestinians,” says Nijmeh Ali, a political analyst at Al-Shabaka, a Palestinian think tank.

Israel arrests Palestine’s Jerusalem Minister Fadi al-Hadami

Fadi al-Hadami arrested for second time in three months, Palestinians say it is part of harassment campaign.

Palestinians preparing for their day in court against Israel

Article - Palestinians preparing for their day in court against Israel

The Palestinian leadership moved on several fronts this month to implement its threats to redefine and limit relations with Israel.

How will the Joint List fare in Israel’s snap election?

As Israel prepares for its second election of the year, Palestinian parties reunite in a bid to boost turnout.

‘Tlaib and Omar gave us hope’: Decision to bar entry to congresswomen sparks anger and disappointment amongst Palestinians

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

Palestinians are joining the chorus of international condemnation facing Israel for barring entry to US Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar ahead of their planned delegation to the occupied Palestinian territory.

From heat waves to ‘eco-apartheid’: Climate change in Israel-Palestine

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While Israel’s nascent climate justice movement tries to get the public’s attention, Palestinians under occupation remain the most vulnerable to the dangerous effects of climate change. Due to the existing power imbalance, however, working together to combat it seems next to impossible.