Palestinian Authority losing millions annually due to Israeli restrictions

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

The Palestinian Authority loses $350 million every year due to Israel’s violations of various agreements. It’s time to pay up.

Patriarchy in Palestine

In Palestine, women have to struggle against gendered violence by their own society and by the Israeli occupation.

A masterclass in Palestine solidarity

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

By using his platform to elevate marginalized Palestinian views onto the global stage, Marc Lamont Hill’s UN speech challenged the unequal parameters of permissible thought on the conflict.

What’s Driving Israeli Claims to the Golan Heights?

Israel wants the region’s water, Al-Shabaka analyst Zena Agha writes for Foreign Affairs.

HRW report on abuse by PA, Hamas: A system designed broken

The HRW report demonstrates Palestinian leadership’s weakness, inability to lead their people and deliver liberation.

Gaza’s Status Quo Unlikely to Change

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Ongoing developments in the Gaza Strip are testing the limits of the dynamic that has shaped relations between Hamas and Israel since a stifling blockade was first imposed on Gaza eleven years ago.

‘This is how you change the status quo’: Rethinking the Palestinian boycott of Jerusalem elections

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Aziz Abu Sarah withdrew his historic bid for Jerusalem mayor after Israeli and Palestinian pressures, but he hopes his short campaign ‘provokes’ new ideas on how to build stronger, younger Palestinian political activism in the city.

Politicizing Palestinian refugees won’t make them go away

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

By defunding UNRWA and attempting to define Palestinian refugees out of existence, the Trump administration is only shooting the messenger. UNRWA is a product, not the source, of the Palestinian refugee problem.

Aid has been used as a tool to cripple the Palestinians – it’s time we took back control

There are four goals the Palestinian Authority can pursue to ensure dignity, self-determination and local ownership in the delivery of aid.