Restricting US Military Aid to Israel in the Age of Normalization

مقال - تقييد المساعدات العسكرية الأمريكية لإسرائيل في عصر التطبيع

With the rise in global solidarity with Palestinians since the May 2021 Unity Intifada, United States policymakers and activists are calling for conditioning and halting US military aid to Israel. Al-Shabaka’s US policy fellow, 24507, examines this shifting tide and offers recommendations for how policymakers, lobbyists, and the international community can seize on this historic moment in the defense of Palestinian rights.

Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Workers’ Rights: COVID-19 and Systemic Abuse 

مقال - انتهاكات إسرائيل لحقوق العمال الفلسطينيين: كوفيد-19 والانتهاكات الممنهجة

The Israeli regime has been systematically violating the rights of Palestinian workers in Israel and its illegal settlements since 1967. How have these violations been exacerbated since the COVID-19 pandemic? Al-Shabaka’s guest contributor, 24430, examines Israel’s ongoing abuses of Palestinian workers’ labor and human rights. He offers recommendations for securing these rights and for holding Israel accountable.

The Revival of People-to-People Projects: Relinquishing Israeli Accountability

Article - The Revival of People-to-People Projects: Relinquishing Israeli Accountability

People-to-People (P2P) funded-projects are being revived in the US and Europe, threatening to undermine international law and Palestinians’ rights. Al-Shabaka’s Senior Analyst, 24588, examines the troubling implications of P2P initiatives and offers recommendations for how policymakers can counter them in order to bring about a just peace that holds Israel accountable for its violations of Palestinians’ rights.

The Politicization of Public Sector Employment and Salaries in the West Bank and Gaza

المقال - تسييس التوظيف والرواتب في القطاع العام في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة

The Palestinian Authority has withheld salary payments from thousands of Palestinian public sector employees. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Tariq Dana, and 24456 examine the ways in which the PA has politicized and exploited public sector employment and salaries as a political tradeoff. They offer recommendations for how to remedy the situation, and bring about economic equality for Palestinians. 

The Demise of Palestinian Productive Sectors: Internal Trade as a Microcosm of the Impact of Occupation

Article - The Demise of Palestinian Productive Sectors: Internal Trade as a Microcosm of the Impact of Occupation

The Israeli occupation has crippled Palestinian productive sectors, leading to the dominance of internal trade in the Palestinian economy. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Ibrahim Shikaki, examines how these structural distortions developed as a result of Israel’s oppressive economic policies since it occupied Palestine in 1967. He offers recommendations to the international community and aid agencies for how to support Palestinian economic self-determination. 

YouTube’s Violation of Palestinian Digital Rights: What Needs to be Done

Article - YouTube’s Violation of Palestinian Digital Rights: What Needs to be Done

Palestinians are increasingly reporting that their digital rights are being violated by social media platforms, including YouTube. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, 24366, examines YouTube’s problematic community guidelines and policies, and how they are used to discriminate against Palestinian users’ content. She offers recommendations for protecting the digital rights of Palestinian activists, journalists, and human rights defenders.

Occupation in the Time of COVID-19: Holding Israel Accountable for Palestinian Health

Article - Occupation in the Time of COVID-19: Holding Israel Accountable for Palestinian Health

Israel has directly contributed to the deterioration of Palestinians’ health during the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Al-Shabaka policy analyst, Yara Asi, explores the different ways in which Israel has impacted Palestinians’ ability to respond to and mitigate the disastrous effects of the pandemic, and recommends approaches to addressing the Palestinian health crisis.

Destroying Palestinian Jerusalem, One Institution at a Time

Article - Destroying Palestinian Jerusalem, One Institution at a Time

The Israeli state has actively sought to destroy Palestinian Jerusalem since its creation in 1948. Al-Shabaka’s Senior Palestine Policy Fellow, 24588, examines the July 2020 attacks on three Palestinian cultural institutions in East Jerusalem as part of the Israeli regime’s systematic destruction of the city’s Palestinian identity. She offers policy recommendations for protecting Jerusalem’s Palestinian cultural and political institutions.

Tourism in Service of Occupation and Annexation

مقال- السياحة في خدمة الاحتلال والضم

Tourism has been critical to the Zionist enterprise since the first Zionists settled in Palestine. Al-Shabaka policy analyst 24418 explores the role of tourism, and especially religious tourism, in propagating the Zionist and Israeli-state narratives, focusing on the damaging impacts of Israeli settlement tourism in illegally occupied Palestinian land. She offers recommendations for ethical tourism that promotes Palestinian rights to self-determination.