Strategizing Anti-Normalization from the Gulf to Capitol Hill

Article - Strategizing Anti-Normalization from the Gulf to Capitol Hill

Al-Shabaka’s Commissioning Editor, 24503, is joined by anti-normalization activists, 24507 and Sumaya Almajdoub, in the latest installment of Al-Shabaka’s policy lab series.

Shifting the Narrative on Palestine in 2022 and Beyond

Article - Defying Fragmentation and the Significance of Unity: A New Palestinian Uprising

From the COVID-19 pandemic to the Black Lives Matter movement, events that have unfolded on the global stage have impacted our realities over the past two years. Today, the Palestinian struggle exists in a world of greater connectivity, one where movements for justice are transcending state structures and institutions, recognizing the pervasiveness and interconnectedness of […]

Lawfare and Palestine: Strategies for Resisting Criminalization

Article - Lawfare and Palestine: Strategies for Resisting Criminalization

Israel’s recent criminalization of six Palestinian human rights organizations has sparked global outcry. But this tactic fits into a global trend of lawfare led by right-wing and conservative governments, including in the US and Europe, against activists and grassroots organizers. it must be actively resisted politically and legally. On the anniversary of the First Intifada, […]

Exposing Colonial Peace-Building from Palestine to Ireland

Article - Exposing Colonial Peace-Building from Palestine to Ireland

The frameworks of peace-building in Palestine and Ireland are profoundly problematic in the context of continued colonization. Over the last few years, western donors and policymakers have been reviving peace-building in Palestine through people-to-people projects.

Hamas and the Dilemma of Leadership and Resistance

المقال - حركة حماس ومعضلة القيادة والمقاومة

Since the Unity Intifada in May 2021, Hamas has achieved an unprecedented level of popularity and support among the Palestinian people for its resistance in the face of the Israeli regime’s attacks on Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Still, the movement continues to struggle between reconciling its leadership and governance on the one hand, and its […]

The Unity Intifada: Any Role for the PLO?

Article - The Unity Intifada: Any Role for the PLO?

The visible absence of the Palestinian Liberation Organization from the ongoing Unity Intifada has led many to question the organization’s legitimacy and relevance. Do Palestinians still need the PLO? If so, why? These questions come as Al-Shabaka publishes a critical study, “Reviving a Palestinian Power: The Diaspora and the Diplomatic Corps,” conducted by four of […]

1948 Territories and the Unity Intifada

المقال - الداخل الفلسطيني وانتفاضة الوحدة

The Unity Intifada had included mass organizing and mobilization by Palestinian citizens of Israel, and many have faced severe violence and repression by the Israeli regime as a result. What does this mobilization reveal about Palestinians in the heartland and the illusion of “citizenship” in Israel? How are social and economic dynamics reflected in political […]

Ongoing Nakba: Sheikh Jarrah, Gaza, and Historic Palestine

The dramatic events that have taken place the last few weeks in Gaza, Jerusalem, and across historic Palestine have been unfolding as Palestinians commemorate the 74th year of the Nakba on May 15.

The Palestinian Economy: Dependency Under Occupation

Article - The Palestinian Economy: Dependency Under Occupation

As the Palestinian general elections fast approach, many are wondering whether new leadership would create opportunities for self-determined Palestinian economic development.