Threats to Human Rights Defenders: How Far Will Israel Go?

مقال - التهديدات التي يتعرض لها المدافعون عن حقوق الإنسان: إلى أي مدى ستذهب إسرائيل؟

Benjamin Netanyahu just declared that Israel has defeated the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. Yet the movement continues to chalk up victories while Israel ramps up its attacks against defenders of Palestinian human rights, including BDS activists. Al-Shabaka policy analysts examine these threats against Israel’s previous attacks and explore what activists can do to protect themselves and their work.

Obama’s Last Gasp on Palestine-Israel

مقال - أنفاس أوباما الأخيرة بشأن فلسطين وإسرائيل

Once the US elections drama concludes, some believe Barack Obama will seize a final opportunity to act on Palestine-Israel. In this roundtable, Al-Shabaka policy analysts debate the probability of such a step, what form it could take, possible pitfalls, and what Palestinians should be doing to further their quest for freedom, equality, and self-determination.

Palestinian Youth Revolt: Any Role for Political Parties?

مقال - ثورة الشباب الفلسطيني: أي دور للأحزاب السياسية؟

Palestinian parties remain entrenched in the political system despite their splits and weaknesses. What role can they play within – or outside – the PLO and what other avenues exist for national or local leadership? While some Al-Shabaka policy analysts offer ideas beyond the current political set-up, others suggest ways to make the current structure work.

US-Palestine Relations After the Iran Deal

مقال - العلاقات الأمريكية الفلسطينية بعد الاتفاق الإيراني

How will US-Palestinian relations – such as they are – be affected by the nuclear agreement between leading world powers and Iran In brief:

Mouin Rabbani: Washington is likely to compensate Israel for the Iran agreement in Palestinian coin. Diana Buttu: There is a belief among many Palestinian political leaders, largely unfounded, that this agreement will lead to a resumption of some political process. Ali Abunimah: The impact it has already had is that President Obama has deepened US involvement in and support for Israeli crimes as a form of compensation to Israel and its lobby.

The Arguments Against Palestine Giving Its Refugees Citizenship

Article - The Arguments Against Palestine Giving Its Refugees Citizenship

Overview The rights of Palestinian refugees have been long neglected and their suffering has been carried from generation to generation for 67 years. In his recent piece A Bold Proposal: Palestine Should Give Its Refugees Citizenship, Al-Shabaka Policy Advisor Fateh Azzam argued that the State of Palestine should confer citizenship on its stateless refugees and […]

The Joint List in Israel’s Elections: Palestinians in from the Cold?

Article - Palestinian Leadership in Israel: Challenges & Opportunities

The Joint List largely represents the Palestinian citizens of Israel. Yet will it really challenge their second-class status and prevent the erosion of the rights they still have? Al-Shabaka analysts Diana Buttu, As’ad Ghanem, and Nijmeh Ali differ as they address the problems and potential of the Joint List.

Under Siege: Remembering Leningrad, Surviving Gaza

مقال - تحت الحصار: ذكريات لينينغراد وواقع غزة

Jews and others under Leningrad’s 2.5-year siege ate wallpaper for its potato starch glue. In Gaza’s siege with no end, Palestinians die quickly under Israel’s bombs or slowly under its tight controls on food, services and even books. Al-Shabaka Policy Member Ayah Bashir and Guest Author Esther Rappaport communicate the impact of the siege of Gaza in a unique format, a must-read for both policy-maker and concerned public.

Political Agency for Palestinian Return

Article - Political Agency for Palestinian Return

Palestinians must themselves be the agents of their return. Some civil society campaigns are contributing to achieving return, such as the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement and legal actions. But for real progress the internal obstacles to return must be addressed, including the lack of a consensus on how to achieve Palestinian self-determination. These are among the key points raised in this roundtable organized by Al-Shabaka’s Policy Circle on Return.

An Open Debate on Palestinian Representation

المقال - نقاش مفتوح حول التمثيل الفلسطيني

Is it better to try to revive the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and its institutions or should Palestinians build a new national movement? The participants in this roundtable debate the pros and cons of starting from square one, as Osamah Khalil suggested in a recent policy brief. Additional roundtable insights: a different articulation of the PLO’s value, and a question mark regarding the usefulness of elections to a national liberation movement.