In Haifa, a display of Palestinian grassroots power

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

The combined efforts of Palestinians in using their bodies, cameras, and voices to support detained protesters made it impossible for the police to hide the severity of their actions.

The myth of the Gaza ‘border’

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

The Green Line disguises the fact that Palestinians in Gaza are no longer being oppressed outside the Israeli state, but are being caged and brutalized inside it.

Seventy years of Palestinian resistance since the establishment of the State of Israel

This month marks not only 70 years since the establishment of Israel and the Palestinian Nakba, but 70 years of ongoing Palestinian resistance.

Can Jerusalem still be saved?

Trump’s embassy move is not only emboldening Israel to continue and accelerate its Jerusalem’s annexation project but it is also giving legitimacy to the narrative of exclusive Jewish ownership over the city

The Gaza march is a wake-up call to the world

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice
A planned peaceful protest ended in the deaths of 16 Palestinians. The international community can no longer ignore Israel’s intransigence.

Palestine Land Day: A day to resist and remember

On Land Day, Palestinians demand once and for all that the international community pick the right side of history.

Palestinians are the majority. Is it apartheid yet?

Article - Why Boycott Apartheid Israel: A Response to a Liberal Friend

Israel has always valued Jewish supremacy over democracy. But new demographics could bolster the Palestinians’ efforts to challenge this system.

Haifa independent film festival: Rejecting the boundaries imposed on Palestinians

By hosting a film festival that celebrates Palestinian and wider Arab cinema, the organisers are making a point that Haifa remains part of the Arab world.

Bibi does Broadway

I recently watched Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s AIPAC speech from my home in Palestine. For a moment, I thought I was viewing the Academy Awards. His acting was that stellar. His talk was like a sequel to his 2014 performance: The Shape of Warfare. He’d won the Oscar that year for demonizing Iran.