Hamas’ offer to negotiate towards unity government with Fatah ‘cannot be trusted’

Article - Hamas' offer to negotiate towards unity government with Fatah 'cannot be trusted'
Hamas’ words of reconciliation with its rival Palestinian faction Fatah won’t translate into action, analysts claim.

Why Fatah And Hamas Won’t Reconcile

The latest episode of the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation saga is not a step closer to a unity government, analysts say.

UNCTAD Report: 50 Year Occupation Destroyed Palestinian Economy

A scathing report from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development describes how 50 years of Israeli occupation has prevented economic development in Palestine, and highlights the destructive impact of Israel’s illegal settlements in the West Bank.

US Pressure Keeps Palestinians Blacklisted at UN

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When Secretary-General Antonio Guterres proposed the appointment of former Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad as UN’s Special Representative in Libya back in February, the proposal was shot down by US Ambassador Nikki Haley, purely because he was a Palestinian.

Can Israel transfer its Palestinian population?

Netanyahu has reportedly proposed to transfer some Arab villages to PA control and to annex Jewish settlements.

Israeli MK: I’d ‘execute’ Palestinian attacker’s family

Palestinians criticise Oren Hazan who said on Facebook that family of a West Bank attacker should be executed.

Palestinian Power: An Energy Crisis in Gaza Grows Worse

Article - Palestinian Power: An Energy Crisis in Gaza Grows Worse

Tareq Baconia fellow for Al-Shabaka, a Palestinian policy network, and author of the upcoming book “Hamas: The Politics of Resistance,” joins The Takeaway to discuss the electricity crisis in Gaza.

50 years: Israeli occupation longest in modern history

Palestinians are marking 50 years since the 1967 occupation of their remaining lands this week.

Hamas accuses PA of ‘continuing violations’ against Palestinians in the West Bank

The Hamas movement accused the Palestinian Authority (PA) of “continuing its violations against Palestinians in West Bank,” in a statement on Monday, which said that two Palestinians were summoned for questioning overnight, while the PA has continued to detain several Palestinians in PA jails, denying the detainees “all of their their rights,” including the right to receive family visits, Hamas said.