The Assassination of Basel al-Araj: How the Palestinian Authority Stamps Out Opposition

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Security coordination with Israel is one way for the PA to ensure its dominance and eliminate its rivals.

US ambassador to Israel: ‘Great advantage to Netanyahu’

David Friedman is known for his support for the most extreme elements in Israel’s settler movement.

European, North American Campuses Observe Israeli Apartheid Week

Students and faculty held events including mock checkpoints and poetry readings to draw attention to the occupation of the Palestinian territories and settler-colonialism, says scholar-activist Yara Hawari

Israeli minister moves to revoke citizenship of Palestinian charged with murder

Israel’s Interior Minister and founder of the ultra-orthodox Shas party, Aryeh Deri, has officially begun the process of attempting to revoke the citizenship of a Palestinian citizen of Israel who has been accused of carrying out a “nationalistically-motivated” shooting in January, despite the fact that the trial and sentencing over the case has yet to begin.

World in Focus: Sputnik’s Daily Current Affairs Program

After running on a campaign that in part promised to support the expansion of Israeli settlements and move the US embassy from the Israeli capital of Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, President Trump seems to be changing his mind on his approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

World in Focus: Sputnik’s Daily Current Affairs Program

Article - World in Focus: Sputnik’s Daily Current Affairs Program

An appeals court hears arguments to decide whether Trump’s travel ban should be re-instated and the PLO threatens to cease recognition of Israel in the event that the US moves its embassy to Jerusalem.

US Threatens to Penalize Allies on UN Voting

The United States and most Western donors have traditionally exercised their financial clout to threaten developing nations who refuse to fall in line on critical UN voting either in the Security Council, the General Assembly or the Human Rights Council.

Stop glossing over the siege in Gaza and call it what it is: Genocide

Just as there has been a discursive shift to call the occupation of Palestine an apartheid, we must acknowledge what is really happening in Gaza

Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem will strengthen the far right, and may also further isolate Israel

Article - Disrupting the business as usual of unbridled US military support for Israel

In a letter to president-elect Donald Trump, Palestinian National Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has laid out a warning in regards to moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. According to the Palestinian news agency Wafa—as reported by Al Jazeera—Abbas argued that moving the embassy would have a “disastrous impact on the peace process, on the two-state solution and on the stability and security of the entire region”.