More Israeli settlements will mean fewer Palestinians

Away from the headlines about settlements and the threat they pose to the two-state solution, there is little information about how settlement construction affects the Palestinians living under Israeli occupation and the cumulative effect over almost 50 years.

Possible US embassy move to Jerusalem exposes facade of two-state negotiations

Rumors and speculation are circulating about when and if the Trump administration is going to announce its decision to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv, where it is currently located, to Jerusalem. Such a move would be a dangerous and irresponsible provocation that contravenes longstanding U.S. policy by legitimizing Israel’s illegal annexation of East Jerusalem.

Palestinians sceptical about Moscow reconciliation deal

A meaningful unity requires a serious engagement in restructuring and reinventing the Palestinian political system.

Charade of Israel’s democracy

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Tel Aviv’s claims of moral superiority while refusing to submit to international law are deceptive

Israel Advances New ‘Facebook Bill’, Threatening Free Speech

Article - Israel Advances New ‘Facebook Bill’, Threatening Free Speech

The Israeli Knesset passed last week a first reading of a controversial new bill that would allow Israeli courts to order social media companies to remove online content it deems “inciting”.

This is the one good thing about Obama’s legacy in Israel – and John Kerry might be about to destroy it

Stating that Israel must be a ‘Jewish state’ in which the 1.7m Palestinian citizens of Israel ‘live as equal citizens’ is not grounded in reality: there are already over 50 laws that discriminate against them, and Kerry’s principles do nothing to address these.

The Two-State Solution’s Silver Bullet

Article - Any Hope for French ME Peace Initiative?

If the international community cannot come to recognize the State of Palestine before Trump takes office, the State of Palestine may ultimately be reconstituted from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.

Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

Article - Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would destroy Palestine’s hopes of justice

Donald Trump and his nominee for US ambassador to Israel support the move from Tel Aviv – which is not only illegal but would damage any prospect of peace

A speech on Palestine-Israel awaiting President Obama

Article - Any Hope for French ME Peace Initiative?

I hesitated before weighing in on the flurry of activity taking place around Israel and Palestine after the U.S. seems to have finally decided to act. I felt that all that needs to be said has been written and rewritten ad infinitum, including by me. That now at the eleventh hour the U.S. seems to be waking up to the reality Israel has created on the ground with unfettered U.S. support over seven decades, struck me at first as anticlimactic. But on deeper reflection and seeing the continuous flow of commentary, I notice that no one has yet mentioned one important and potentially game-changing way of framing this latest development.