Maps, Technology, and Decolonial Spatial Practices in Palestine

Article - Maps, Technology, and Decolonial Spatial Practices in Palestine

The practice of mapping in Palestine-Israel has long been an exercise in power, imperialism, and dispossession. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst 24598 examines how Palestinians have been excluded from maps of their own land from the British Mandate to today, and explores ways that Palestinians can – and do – reclaim maps as a means of resistance. 

The Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Detention

The Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Detention

Since the establishment of Israel in 1948, the Israeli Security Agency has been torturing Palestinians. Al-Shabaka Senior Palestine Policy Fellow 24588 argues that the use of torture in Israeli detention is systematic and legitimized through domestic law, and outlines steps for the international community to hold Israel to account and bring an end to these violations. 

Using Indigeneity in the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation

Article - Using Indigeneity in the Struggle for Palestinian Liberation

Indigeneity has re-emerged within the discourse on Palestine and is becoming a facet of political mobilization. But what does this mean in practice and how can indigeneity be harnessed to further Palestinian rights? Al-Shabaka’s 24347 and 24588 examine indigeneity in the context of international law and suggest ways to employ it in the Palestinian quest for liberation. 

The Conditional Right to Health in Palestine

The Conditional Right to Health in Palestine

For decades, political barriers have obstructed the Palestinian health system in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, impeding rights and protections. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Yara Asi examines how the Israeli occupation has decreased Palestinians’ ability to seek or practice health care, and offers recommendations that can support Palestinians’ right to health within the current constrained circumstances.

The Rise in Hate Speech Targeting Palestinians in Israeli Social Media

مقال - تصاعد خطاب الكراهية ضد الفلسطينيين في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الإسرائيلية

The number of online attacks against Palestinians by Israelis are on the rise. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Nadim Nashif of 7amleh – the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media analyzes the results of his organization’s latest report on racism on Israeli social media and recommends ways to protect Palestinians and their freedom of speech.

What are the Elements of a Strategic Palestinian Narrative and Discourse?

Article - What are the Elements of a Strategic Palestinian Narrative and Discourse?

This commentary is part of Al-Shabaka’s Narrative and Discourse Policy Circle, convened in 2018, in which a team of Al-Shabaka policy analysts worked together across borders to tackle the question of whether Palestinians should have a sole, legitimate narrative and, if so, what it should be. For more from this policy circle, see Hazem Jamjoum’s “Reclaiming the […]

“The Lobby – USA”: Lessons for the Palestine Solidarity Movement

Article - “The Lobby – USA”: Lessons for the Palestine Solidarity Movement

Though Al-Jazeera never aired “The Lobby – USA,” its undercover investigation into how Israel’s government works with US organizations to advance its agenda, last month the Electronic Intifada leaked the four-part documentary. Al-Shabaka sat down with EI co-founder and Al-Shabaka analyst Ali Abunimah to discuss the film’s implications and its lessons for the Palestine solidarity movement.

Israel’s Relentless Land Grabs: How Palestinians Resist

Israel’s Relentless Land Grabs: How Palestinians Resist

The “Great Return March” in Gaza is the latest chapter of Palestinian sacrifice and resistance to Israel’s expropriation of land and denial of the right of return. Al-Shabaka policy fellow 24588 reviews Israel’s relentless drive for land on both sides of the Green Line and the many forms of Palestinian resistance and sets out ways to bolster that resistance.

US Palestine Solidarity: Reviving Original Patterns of Political Engagement

US Palestine Solidarity: Reviving Original Patterns of Political Engagement

The US Palestine solidarity movement is returning to a joint struggle approach, a strategy that faded after the Oslo Accords when dominant solidarity activists focused on Palestine as a single issue. Al-Shabaka Policy Analyst Loubna Qutami traces this development, assesses its benefits and challenges, and recommends ways to strengthen organizing for Palestinians in the US.